WSJ - The Unbearable Lightness of Obama

Food stamps? Haven't you been paying attention? He's been braggin' about his new job although I hear burger flippers may still qualify.
You baggerz need to learn to be productive citizens. Not sitting on your butts, pulling in govt. handouts and banging away on the keyboard. There's a whole exciting world of the mommy's basement. Heck even flippin' burgers would be a start.

Oh wait, even a MickeyD's job requires a normal I.Q. Y'all's I.Q.s are hovering below room temp. How about a Goodwill store? Loading and unloading donated furniture?
Geez, 35's last paragraph, filled with many misspellings, grammar errors and crap, is one of his best.
Now I am convinced he never spent an hour in a UT classroom. That makes me feel better about the educational standards of UT.
HHD, he certainly could be Ryan. He could also be Satchel. They were pretty pathetic, so it makes sense. We will have to be on alert for his use of another name when Obamacare implodes and BO sidles off as one of the worst presidents in recent history.

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