Worthy transfer to USC??

How could he not know. He talked to his qb multiple times during the game, before game and half time in locker room. Other coaches had to see it. You are right, he is scum.
All the posters around here who enjoy fellating Lincoln won't show up for a while.

I don't like riley but I acknowledge what he's done as a coach far exceeds sark. They've both coached at usc. Which did better? Honest question

Having admitted he's a far better coach than sark, it was a great pleasure to watch his team implode.
College football won't be like the NFL. The NFL has a salary cap. College football is uncapped. And while NFL athletes can get big money by doing corporate endorsements, the NFL teams can't work directly to get those endorsements available to free agents to entice them to come.

Good question. Not sure how they work exactly either, but I think they’re unrelated. NIL deals are from sponsors (boosters) and schollies come directly from the University. But CDC is currently out promoting an NIL program so yeah, it’s pretty confusing.

They can and eventually will absolutely be used to get around scholarship limits, though.
I don't like riley but I acknowledge what he's done as a coach far exceeds sark. They've both coached at usc. Which did better? Honest question

Having admitted he's a far better coach than sark, it was a great pleasure to watch his team implode.
Which had access to the transfer portal and brought in 20 players with him?
You keep comparing apples to oranges.
OU fandom is currently dedicated to simultaneously holding both of the following positions.

1. They are only sucking this year because they don't have Lincoln Riley.

2. Lincoln Riley is a sucky coach.
It really comes down to what is your definition of “better coach”. Is it only who has the better win-loss record? To me, obviously winning is very important but it is much more than that.
Avoidance of scholarship limits has many avenues. Notably, track scholarships. As much as I dislike NCAA, they put a counter of scholies on playing time in the highest value sport, i.e. football. If a ‘track athlete’ plays x-snaps in football, it counts. Same with academic scholarships. Surely, F-Troop (NCAA compliance) can logic around NIL. That is, other than Notre Dame.
Which had access to the transfer portal and brought in 20 players with him?
You keep comparing apples to oranges.

They both had access to the portal. They could use it as they wished. K Robinson came here from Alabama. I don't feel the least bit guilty about it and I bet you don't either.

Sorry bud, I'm comparing apples to apples. Wins and losses.
They both had access to the portal. They could use it as they wished. K Robinson came here from Alabama. I don't feel the least bit guilty about it and I bet you don't either.

Sorry bud, I'm comparing apples to apples. Wins and losses.
But Sark didn't have the portal at USC like Riley and that's the comparison you were making.
Sorry bud, apples to oranges.