Worthy transfer to USC??

Lots of buzz on other boards and social media about Worthy transferring to USC to play for Linc.

Maybe the Evan Stewart rumors are true too. Could explain the Savion Red blow-up on sideline as well.
Someone more hip than me will have to interpret this post-

He seems to me that he is ragging on folks accusing him of fake love for UT. Even if the interpretation is correct, it’s doesn’t imply he is leaving one way or the other.
Disturbing. No way he would be worried about losing his spot next year so it’s not for playing time. Yeah they have a better record so there’s that but that just tells me he has lost faith in Sark, which then begs to question is Sark losing the team. No inside info here just my own musings. Scary to say the least.
Maybe he has lost faith with QE and Sark. Gotta admit, USC QB showin a lot more than QE,and Lincoln is a proven winner whether you like him or not.He and Stoops owned Texas.
Oh how i wish Neyor had suited up this year would have changed the entire WR dynamic.
Ill reserve my thoughts on XW for now as long as he is wearing burnt o and this rumor mill crap is flying cuz I really wouldnt want him to bolt for LRs overrated team right now, but.....yeah..but..ill save it....
No comment until there is something official. He clearly is not the same as he was last year, or even earlier this year. WHY?
Oh how i wish Neyor had suited up this year would have changed the entire WR dynamic.
Ill reserve my thoughts on XW for now as long as he is wearing burnt o and this rumor mill crap is flying cuz I really wouldnt want him to bolt for LRs overrated team right now, but.....yeah..but..ill save it....
I do believe Neyor would have been a difference maker, a big difference maker.
XW—great speed. Very good overall talent. Ok hands. Sometimes appears to be lacking in effort when it’s not a good throw.
Oh how i wish Neyor had suited up this year would have changed the entire WR dynamic.
Ill reserve my thoughts on XW for now as long as he is wearing burnt o and this rumor mill crap is flying cuz I really wouldnt want him to bolt for LRs overrated team right now, but.....yeah..but..ill save it....
On a positive note, I spoke to Isaiah last week and his quote to me was that "rehab on my knee is going great and school is going great as well". Look forward to seeing him on the field next year.
No comment until there is something official. He clearly is not the same as he was last year, or even earlier this year. WHY?
100% agree.. He seems to give up on a lot of balls- yes they are overthrow but if the receiver runs through the route, maybe not...Something has been different the last 3 games.
It’s easier to see in person than on TV—he doesn’t track the ball, but will continue run a straight line of his pattern when even if for the last 1/2 second of the route he would adjust, he could get the ball.
With this indication that there is an emotional aspect to it, I wonder if he has had the attitude that he is going to just run the exact pattern he was “supposed” to run to try to make Ewers look bad when the ball is not perfectly on target.
Agree he could be losing faith in Sark.

I believe XW is from California and USC / Linc may appeal to him as an escape. Suspect he has been getting an earful the last few weeks for poor route running and not being where he needs to be for QE throws.

Agree he does not go after the tougher catches like he should.

His play the next 2 weeks may validate some of the concerns we have about him...
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I can't wait to see Isaiah on offense, but I have put in a special request that he be on defense for FG, PAT, and punts. Use his 6'2" frame and 46" vertical to block kicks the way Brian Robinson was used.
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I like Worthy and am glad he is here...and hope he stays...
But I posted a few weeks ago some critique and will repeat it here...
Many guys can burn....and you will never see them Sunday.
Some of them think all the job is is to outrun somebody and they fall back on being fast because they've been able to do it their whole life.
I do not know anything nor care to speculate on Worthys work ethic...I hope he is putting in mad work and hope Marion is putting in work with X also.

Do you think it purely coincidence that all three of Thompson, Card, and Ewers now have had a very hard time connecting medium to deep routes with him???
No way....

He struggles at times with routes, absolutely does not track balls well and adjust, and gives up on balls too soon (most likely as a result of #2 here). I have a sneaking suspicion he isnt taking enough responsibility and just expects someone to lay the ball right in his hands every time he thinks he is open.
Dude has tons of potential, and I hope he fulfills it here, but he is a very raw talent right now.
Pick up the ball faster, adjust and attack the ball.
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Wouldn't surprise me at all if someone over at usc started this "rumor".
That sort of thing happened at ou all the time while linc was there. ....Still think that guy is a smooth criminal
Not sure why he would leave since Arch is coming in. Or, maybe we should recruit wide outs that can
catch underthrown deep balls!! :coolnana:
Worthy is a malcontent and I hope he is gone ASAP.
I do understand his frustration, however, but he needs to be more of a man about it.
Sark has a lot to do with this by not giving Card a chance to make better throws. And I do believe that Card is a better QB than he was last year. And I believe Card is the better QB right now. He has proved this already.

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