Worst State Flag

Maryland's flag makes my eyes bleed.

The Arkansas flag looks like they wish they were Las Vegas.

North Carolina's flag is a rip-off of the Texas flag.

Oregon's flag reminds everyone it is a state, not to be confused with Oregon, the country. (Wow I just found on Wikipedia that there used to be an Oregon Country that included part of British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming! But I think it's safe to say that in the present day no one would see "Oregon" on a flag and think it was referring to Oregon Country.)

I like S. Carolina's flag, but it looks like a flag for some obscure island somewhere.

The Texas Flag is far and away the best.
In reply to:

"I like that Oklahoma has the meth pipe right there on the flag."

That made me LOL

is by far the best. I also like Ariz., Calif., NM, SC

Worst: S. Dakota, Florida, Arky, okie, Washington
Best: Virginia, South Carolina

Overrated: Texas

Y'all shoulda stuck with the Come And Take It flag.

Worst: Ohio, Arkansas and a bunch of others.

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