Worst movie ending ever

Are you kidding about Brazil? I hope you are being as ironic as the movie, because that is not how it ends as I recall.

spoiler alert

Doesn't the camera go back to him in the chair where we realize that the escape was all the fantasy of a man passing out from torture?

I haven't seen it in awhile. I'm also wondering if someone altered the ending. Gilliam showed the movie to critics so they would review before the studio could order him to change the ending to something happier. Did the studio do another cut?
Roma Victa, I'm kidding.

The "Brazil" ending was perfect, just as you described. They faked us out with the escape, it just being a delusion of the Pryce character.
Atonement. all the love for this movie is ********. It's like everyone walked out halfway through, because the last scene was just awful, and ruins what had been an interesting story. hell, the last 30 minutes sucked.
Return of the Jedi - All of those freaking teddy bears dancing around the campfire with the spirit of the reformed Vader looking on.
I had no problem with Atonement. I can certainly see the thinking that the twist ending was a Hollywood sellout, but i bought it. The whole "everything in this book may be wrong" ending had a very satisfying Richard Bach feel to it. I liked it, and her green dress.
You know, after having read through this thread a second time and thinking about it, I fully agree with whoever said "Thelma & Louise."

About as irrational a final move as ever.
Saving Private Ryan
War of the Worlds - I agree, just ridiculous.

Come to think of it, just about all of Spielberg's endings are so cliche'd.
Wow i cant believe that no one has mention the last Lord of the Rings movie.
that was strung out way too long and was really really gay...im mean liberace gay.
Cloverfield ending kind of sucked.

I may need to revisit No Country For Old Men - that ended too soon.

Sideways. I know the imagination thing is a great tool for debate, but it was still frustrating.

Hands down though:

2001 A Space Odyssey. Most boring 30 minute ending ever. I know it's probably smart on some level, but that level is way above me.
I'll second the nomination of Se7en. That just pissed me off, because it was like the writer totally forgot the reason the guy was killing people.

There Will Be Blood is the only movie that I loved right up to the ending, only to have it spoiled.
The Fellowship of the Ring had a horrible ending, especially for a moron like myself whom was unaware that it was the first installment of a trilogy. I was pissed until my friend broke the news to me.
Old School.

The first 1.5 hours were brilliant, and then they resorted to that same "contest" scene ripped off directly from Revenge of the Nerds and/or Billy Madison and/or dozens of other movies from the past 30 years. Horribly disappointing.

It's still a good movie, but the terrible ending took it from potentially great to merely "good."

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