Worried about Maryland...

Believe it or not, I dreamed of Texas losing to Maryland last night. One of those frustrating losses where we had chances to win but blew it (like USC, OSU, TT last year).

Funny, last night I dreamed about this beautiful blond woman with blue eyes and huge tracks of land. Covered with Deer of course, and her giant breasts were filled with Beer. And she owned a Polaris ATV

Good dream.
Funny, last night I dreamed about this beautiful blond woman with blue eyes and huge tracks of land. Covered with Deer of course, and her giant breasts were filled with Beer. And she owned a Polaris ATV

Good dream.

I want to know what you consumed the evening before that wild-*** dream! :beertoast:
They should give the coach a break. I'll admit I don't have all the info but the kid died of a hidden heart problem right? These kind of things have happened before so cut the coach and the school some slack. Every year kids almost die from heat stroke. There is a degree of danger playing upper level football not to mention the hits on the field and it's difficult to ascertain what's going on within the player during play. The player has to tap out when he feels his health is in danger. Tell the coach I have to have a "break".
I want to try to stay humble...but this defense is NOT the same one that took the field in Austin at this game. They will be staring into 11 LOCOMOTIVES ready to drive right into them on every play.
They should give the coach a break. I'll admit I don't have all the info but the kid died of a hidden heart problem right? These kind of things have happened before so cut the coach and the school some slack. Every year kids almost die from heat stroke. There is a degree of danger playing upper level football not to mention the hits on the field and it's difficult to ascertain what's going on within the player during play. The player has to tap out when he feels his health is in danger. Tell the coach I have to have a "break".
Agreed. Why aren't we hearing more about the Kansas player? What did they do or not do? Or the player in Maine? As is said, sometimes %*^* happens. The coach isn't a DR, whether the S&C coach really did something wrong here I dunno, but I'm not sure what Durkin did to cause this tragedy.

I disagree with the last part though. A backup trying to earn playing time isn't going to take themself out. That was me a lot. I played in some pretty bad pain sometimes but there was no way I was going to give someone else a chance to take my position.
Wasn’t there more going on than the terrible heat stroke incident? Toxic culture was a term thrown out about the program.
Agreed. Why aren't we hearing more about the Kansas player? What did they do or not do? Or the player in Maine? As is said, sometimes %*^* happens. The coach isn't a DR, whether the S&C coach really did something wrong here I dunno, but I'm not sure what Durkin did to cause this tragedy.

I disagree with the last part though. A backup trying to earn playing time isn't going to take themself out. That was me a lot. I played in some pretty bad pain sometimes but there was no way I was going to give someone else a chance to take my position.
That's understandable I did the same thing. Now that I am older, 58, I am a little wiser in my priorities and coaches need to be understanding.
Toxic culture was a term thrown out about the program.

Apparently coaches yelled at players and were “verbally abusive.” Oh the humanity!

I know the ESPN article alleged the coaches verbally tossed obscenities at the players and there was even a report of “verbal belittlement” :yikes:
What was the spread last year?
VSIN was discussing it this AM...said it was 17 and that the final of 51-41 was not even close to how poorly Texas played.

They ALSO believed that Herman is just psychotic enough to have not let that result go and that, given the opportunity, he WILL attempt to run the score up.
I feel for the family of this young man, and if he was pushed too hard or denied water, those responsible should be dealt with according to the law and by civil court. However, if they are crying because someone talked bad to the kids, then I feel sorry for their program and for all of college sports. The snow flakes are everywhere and they are a bunch of daises for having no balls.

Might as well start playing flag football.
For those who missed it, the Maryland president showed up at today's press conference with a Maryland flag bowtie, which was crooked.

Can't wait to see Fenves show up with a Confederate flag bowtie. :texasflag:
Can't wait to see Fenves show up with a Confederate flag bowtie. :texasflag:

Our AD has the better approach
(I wonder if they would mind a giant JF?)