working in Georgetown


< 25 Posts
I'm going to be in Georgetown next week for work. Can anyone tell me how far that is from Austin and recommend a good place to stay and some eating places? Thanks in advance!
20 minutes from downtown Austin.

There is a Chili's and an Applebee's on I35, and a Diner called Monument Cafe on Austin Avenue near Leander Road. There is a nice restuarant cealled Wildfire 1/2 block southwest of the courthouse that has a full bar. The town is semi-dry so you'll have to buy a membership to drink ($1-$2). Let me know if you need more info
My parents live in Georgetown, and they frequent the La Frontera area in Round Rock. Has numerous chains. The Monument is okay also.
If you come south to Round Rock there are a couple resturants right off 35. Chuys, Salt Grass, Johnny Carinos. There is also an excellent upscale resturant called Main Street Grill which is on Mays in downtown Round Rock.