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I believe the recall election of Walker is next Tuesday. I think it will be very telling what direction this country is heading in....

“70 percent”

-- Decrease in membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees chapter that represents Wisconsin state workers since the state stopped automatically collecting dues from worker paychecks last spring, according to the Wall Street Journal. Statewide, the union’s overall membership dropped from 62,818 to 28,745.

“7 points”

-- Lead by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker over Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in Tuesday’s gubernatorial recall election, according to a survey of likely voters by Marquette University Law School.
I am really surprised at the huge drop in membership. I watched many of the protests and so many protestors that were union members were adamant that only unions could make sure the members got what they deserved.

I also note that ISD's in Wisc have saved over a BILLIOn in expenditures from not having to buy union health insurance. One bil in one year is pretty good savings. many of the ISD's said they were using their savings to keep and or hire more teachers.
Government worker unions baffle me as to the purpose, they are government workers, there is no inherent technical knowledge or skill required.

Their manage is themselves and "We the People". I just don't get it.
In addition to that, there's the conflict of interest inherent in negotations with public sector unions. As you mentioned, there's no incentive to keep costs down, but there's also an incentive to win votes by bending during negotiations. If I want the union vote, I will give them what they want, period.

Finally, the private sector unions exist specifically because the workers did not have a voice and did not have a club powerful enough to force their employer to treat them fairly. The public sector has that, and t's mentioned above.

Finally, there's the idea that a public servant can grind to a hault the services that the government is designated specifically to perform. If someone threatens to sabotage a power plant if we don't give him $1 million, it's called extortion. if they threaten to do it unless we vacate a specific country, it's called terrorism. If they threaten to do it unless we toss that $1 million into a pension fund, it's called union negotiations.
I agree a lot with Deez and Prod on this topic. No one seems to be mentioning the decline in membership issue but it is a very telling part of the situation.

This also relates to the whole "card check" issue. I am really amazed that, in America, employees do not have the right to a seceret ballot on their futures. It is so un-American that I cant believe the courts haven't struck it down.

The decline in memebership described in the OP is a HUGE number and it has to be scaring the **** out of the larger union groups.
Let's remember what the critical issues were in Wisconsin, the percentage of the Healthcare bill and Pension Bill that workers were paying.

I can't remember the exact stats, but it is along these lines:

Private Sector is paying for 26% of their pension in WI.
Public Sector was paying 6% and they were asked to pay 12%.
Healthcare was similar.
He did some other things as well.

Walker turned a $3Billion debt into a balanced budget and Wisconsin is a +30,000 jobs since he took over as governor.

The opposition is not even arguing the original points of the Recall purpose, they have fallen back to random crap that came up in the original election.

The scariest thing is Walker turned it around and it is working and the Unions are afraid that other governors are going to have the same idea's. Why recreate the wheel?
I think they more than saw the light - with 70+%, Walker is winning by 11-12%. I don't think most pundits expected that. Hope that foretells Nov.
That giant sucking sound you just heard was UNION $$$ FLUSHED WON THE TOILET

Two elections, same result. Time for WI government do what their populace voted them to do. Cut the excess costs, balance the budget, create an atmosphere for business growth.

Libs and union boys won't like it, but "WE WON"

With Walker's victory, people have to start seeing what's happening in Wisconsin as a possible political realignment. Democrats lost control of both houses of the state legislature, lost two congressional seats, lost a senate seat, and lost the governorship.

Not only did the governor win, but he didn't govern as a moderate Republican. He governed as a staunch conservative and went to war with one of the most powerful and most entrenched special interest groups in the state and went on to survive a pretty high-turnout recall election pretty resoundingly in a presidential election year.

Gotta assume Wisconsin is very much at play in 2012.
I think they more than saw the light - with 70+%, Walker is winning by 11-12%. I don't think most pundits expected that. Hope that foretells Nov.

I think maybe the Democratic pollsters got wind of it. Notice how Obama didn't venture into Wisconsin at all? Pundits wondered why on a visit to Chicago he didn't go a few miles northwest to lend support to Tom Barrett. Looks like maybe somebody knew it was a lost cause and didn't want to sully his presidential prestige. I'm not creative enough to spin this in a way that makes the president look confident, strong or intensely competitive. If Obama doesn't want to compete in a state like Wisconsin, where's he going to fight and win?
Nobody on the left complained when Obama outspent McCain 4:1 in 2008 nor was a peep uttered that much of that money was from that Commie Soros.

Holy crap!

A woman slapped Barrett for conceding last night.
The Link

Also, came across this lovely video of a guy wishing colon cancer upon Kleefisch and then threatening her with violence.
The Link

THIS is what the adults in WI have had to deal with over the past 2 years.

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