Will we chant 'Big 12!' after we beat Arky?

The Giants should have chanted "NFC East" after beating the Patriots last year. In Olympic basketball, the USA fans should have been chanting "West-ern Hem-is-phere" [clap clap, clap clap clap].
Of course.. whocares was the idiot who was blathering on about how.. "Hurricane Ike won't affect the game between Texas and Arkansas at all... it will be played no problemo..."

Return to your kiddie table and go live vicariously through your conference and other schools.
The only thing the Pigs have to brag about since they left for the SEC is, well, the SEC. If Texas sucked as bad as Arky, I might chant Big12 over and over too.

Bama, LSU, Florida, etc...needed more chum in the water to feed on...voila!...let's invite the Pigs to our little BBQ. You ******* have been the perfect pulled-pork filler for them.

You're not a factor in football, basketball or baseball and haven't been for nearly a generation. Great move for the Pigs. Now run along and practice your conference cheer.
BTW, I'm a huge LSU fan. I grew up in BR and went to tons of games in Death Valley, so I understand the culture of football in the deep south. I also believe the SEC is the best cfb conference.

I just think it's ******* retarded that fans chant SEC all the time.
Beating Arkansas is about beating Arkansas and about being Texas. It's a long honored tradition right up there with T-Day and OU weekend. Sing the Eyes with gusto so they can hear us in the parking lot.
Arkansas hasn't beaten a decent on conference team since Texas in 2003. That's 5 years of nothing.

Yet, they're the first ones to brag about their conference despite not being able to beat anyone outside of it.
here ya go whocares...

100+ posts
09/08/08 09:19 AM
Re: Time for Arkansas [re: hornpharmd]

There is only a 20% chance of rain. Weather isn't going to be an issue.

OU Sucketh: As I stated in my previous two posts, the Arkansas defense is about as intimidating as a school bus full of 3rd grade girls. It is our defense that allowed close games with far, far inferior competition.

But do not be fooled. Arkansas went from 10 years of pounding it on the ground with deflated footballs to a new coaching staff with an entirely new scheme. You are only being intellectually dishonest if you think installing a brand new scheme, in the first two games of the year, and ending up leading the SEC in offense and passing does not speak volumes about the coaching and young talent.

Point being, IMHO, Arkansas will score Saturday and I anticipate them to do so multiple times (3 maybe 4 TD's). The talent and play calling is there.

But get your panties out of a wad because UT will double the Hogs on the board. When you start 10 Freshman and Sophomores, it can and will be ugly. If Colt doesn't throw for 300 (+) yards, he should transfer.

That makes you.. let's see.. stupid or a liar... which one is it? Showing off that prime education from Arkansas... can't even remember the idiocy you spew. I suppose years of inbreeding will result in that.
As I recall, weather in Austin WASN'T an issue.

I then went on to say in multiple posts here, and Hogville, that the game should be and would be canceled, based on the evacuation of the coast. As I recall, I was stating as early as Wednesday that the Weather in Austin would be a non factor. You have me mistaken for someone else.

And your quote was far, far removed from....
In reply to:

Your attempted spin on your own misstatements is as blatant and pathetic as your incessant fellating of the SEC as the best conference since the history of.. God...

You fit in so remarkably well with the hordes of the undereducated, ill-bred unwashed Roothawg fan base. Embrace your mediocrity.
GatorDave, I thought it pretty obvious that he was saying he thinks that the game wasn't postponed because of concerns about dangerous weather in Austin.
The game wasn't postponed due to recurring fears the fans would break out in a "Big XII, Big XII," chant, because that ain't gonna happen. That would be stupid beyond belief.
We are good sports and will cheer for out team. But the first time an Arkansas fan, coach or player does the Horns down sign (like their coach did in 2003) then all bets are off. Those there should do the yell in retrobution and yell out as they do but with the modifications "WHOOOOOOOOAHHHHH PIG

Man that would be great even though I know it won't happen.
