Why wont Obama win the nomination?

Hillary is actually capable of losing this election. Pause, and think back on the last 7 years. Think about everything that Bush has done, and then reflect on the fact that this man's party could win the election immediately following his term in office. The Democrats could nominate a parrot trained to say "Bring the troops home" and "No domestic intelligence operations" at regular intervals and it would win the election. Somehow, they managed to scrape the party's deepest basement to dredge up someone who could lose to a Republican in 2008.

I cannot understand how Clinton is even staying near Obama, much less leading him in some states. The Democrats need a candidate who generates excitement, and HRC grabs a ton. The problem is, nearl all of that energy is from conservatives and independents who positively despise her because she is a rotten person with horrible ideas.
I am for Obama but I disagree with your statement about Hillary.

She is not a rotten person...and she doesn't have bad ideas.

If this were the case then Obama would have bad ideas as well because they are virtually the same.

I really don't know why so many people hate Hillary, but I do hope it results in Obama winning the nomination.
The point is Ryan that it does not matter whether or not the hatred is justified, it is real and does severely hurt her electability even with some Dems.

There is a substantial group of conservative voters who do not want to vote for McCain blaming him for being on the wrong side of immigration, tax cuts for the wealthy, campaign finance reform, stem cell research, global warming, Sp. Ct. justice nominations, etc.

He will not energize the Repub base, but Hillary would!

As a comparison, if Lieberman won the Dem nomination, I would have a hard time voting for him and certainly would not work for him if he was running against a typical Repub. But if he was running against Cheney, I would not only vote for Lieberman, I would work hard for him.

Bill suggested that we would be taking a chance with Obama, but with his wife, we would likely squander our chance to win the WH back and to win back more Congressional seats.

Usually Repubs have to put a ballot measure against gay marriage or for English only, etc. to energize the base, putting Clinton on the ballot would be just as effective for them.
So back to the original point...

Why won't Obama win the nomination?

How is Hillary going to win and how is she leading in all of these states!

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