Why was the Clemens hearing so partisan?

Fatcat Alum

100+ Posts
This is a serious question, I really don't understand why the Democrats asking questions went after Roger so hard and the Republicans almost uniformly seemed to be doing their best to attack McNamee's credibility and make Roger look good. Did George Bush make some calls on behalf of a fellow Texan?

I guess it's understandable in the sense that if anything has been the hallmark of the Republican party under Bush (as chronicled in "Daydream Believers") it's been to simply believe what you want to believe, damn the facts or evidence.

The Iraqis will greet us as liberators and democracy will flourish in the Middle East!
Abstinence education works!
We can cut taxes and raise spending at the same time because deficits don't matter!
I'm a Dem and I think McNamee is a lying little *****.

I don't whether Clemens did or not but without more evidence than one purported conversation with Pettite and asking me to believe that sniveling little *****, I remain undecided.
B/C as soon as the dems take one position, the reps instinctively think they must be wrong as all their opinions flow from a flawed value system. So they take the other side. And vice versa.
Why was this front page news in the Houston Chronicle this morning while coverage of the debate/vote on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was buried? Let the sheeple be distracted by the Colosseum...
Maybe the Reps and Dems decided beforehand to go after one group and let the other party go after the other. Or maybe all politicians are lying pieces of crap.
Because Democrats are jealous of people who are successful without the help of the government.

And they hate Southerners...

Anyone else think Waxman has the biggest nostrils in the world??
While it's likely that Roger did take performance enhancing drugs, it's amazing to me that Senator Mitchell was willing to put his name on the line in relying so heavily on McNamee's testimony to implicate Clemens. It's tragic that a weasel like that was Mitchell's sole source in tying Clemens to HGH and steroids. Luckily for Mitchell more evidence came out with the Pettite depositions, but to have that guy be your only witness with his lying history is totally wreckless, IMO.
I caught Roger's opening statement and he referenced the supportive calls he rreceived from presidents and ex-presidents. I read into it that one of those was GWB....so yea, I think there was some political arm twisting taking place.

I too have zero idea why the hell Congress is involved in this...is it another "for the children" issue?

BTW, I think RC at least did HGH and probably steroids and couldn't care less. If I was offended by it I'd have to quit watching/following all my favorite sports, so as not to be hypocitical. Pro and college sports are riddled w/ illegal performance enhancers and sports authorities will always be a step behind in testing for them.

I'm fairly confident that as these tools are preening for the cameras, there are trainers in the NBA, MLB, NFL and college sports who have found and are using substances that give athletes an edge and can't be detected yet. I mean Jesus H Christ just look at NFL and D1 football players. Those dudes don't get super human on protein powder and good diets.
Dunno why the democrats are all concerned about somebody lying to them, as they gave Bubba a pass in 1998.

They should give The Rocket a pep rally on the Hill.
Did you know that Waxman wanted to release a report instead of holding a hearing? Clemens and his lawyers insisted on a hearing.
Republicans alway stick up for the rich guy. McNamee has no money and thus couldn't buy any support.

On a serious note, I have no idea why it worked out like that. I really don't understand how anyone could come away thinking anything other than McNamee and Clemens are both lying pieces of ****. I thought it was pretty clear.
Does anyone remember the address to the Nation with GWB wherein he addressed 'roids in baseball?

"The use of performance-enhancing drugs like steroids in baseball, football, and other sports is dangerous, and it sends the wrong message -- that there are shortcuts to accomplishment, and that performance is more important than character. So tonight I call on team owners, union representatives, coaches, and players to take the lead, to send the right signal, to get tough, and to get rid of steroids now. (Applause.)"
The Link
it was kind of strange. i thought it was partisan as well.

while there is a probability of about 5% that clemens is telling the truth, i still haven't heard a good reason why this guy would be throwing him under the bus other than the fear of going to jail for lying to a grand jury.

why can't clemens understand that none of these guys are willing to go to jail for him just to preserve his "legacy"?
Roger is an egomaniac. When you acknowledge that, his actions are much easier to understand. I think a lot of the people who still think he didn't use are assuming he's a rational human being. His sense of reality has been warped by 20+ years of adoration. He can't understand why simply being Roger Clemens isn't good enough anymore. He actually said he kept McNamee around because he was too good of a person when questioned about it yesterday. He even threw his own wife under the bus.
I'm a southerner and a complete badass in most respects, and I'm a democrat.

Here's a conversation from the hearings yesterday between me and my conservative roommate:

Roomate: "You liberals just hate America and successful people."
Me: "You conservatives allow patriotism and success to blind you from the truth."

The R from Indiana was the biggest clown of all yesterday; Clemens got to that guy.

And yes, Congress is ******* shameless in how partisan it gets over everything. It's like kids with rival clubhouses. We should just burn it down and start over.
An amazing waste of time and money. Glad we don't have any real problems to address in America.

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