Why McCain Needs to Be Stopped


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Why McCain Needs to Be Stopped

I fear McCain's hardcore militaristic foreign policies. He's not a neo-conservative he still favors an aggressive, interventionist policy in the Middle East. He's the one guy who I can see attacking Iran.
The author's main point seems to be that electing McCain would be a bad idea because it could eliminate a lot of the gridlock in Washington.
He appeals to independents. Which means much of his agenda is in the middle.

I'd rather have a president that does what he thinks is best for the country than one that strictly adheres to his party's platform.
No. I actually agree with this article. It's been difficult, as a conservative and Republican, to choose a candidate thus far. No one really fits just yet. I lean more toward economic conservatism so am drafting toward Romney right now.

It doesn't matter -- whoever the Republican nominee is gets my vote. I may not agree with him completely, but I cannot vote Democrat under any circumstances.
This editorial represents the outright panic of economic conservatives. Notice that this guy hopes for Rudy to be his savior solely because his economic and foreign policy stances line up with his own. Never mind that Rudy is pro-abortion rights, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control and welcomes illegal immigrants. This guy still thinks Rudy is the only one who can save Republicans from total disaster.

Looks like this writer doesn't give a damn about the concerns of the religious right or right-wing populists. As long as he can get his own economic and foreign policy agenda in a GOP nominee he'll throw the rest of the right-wing coalition to the dogs. Never mind if those other right-wingers care about issues of social conservatism or populist conservatism. With the stroke of his pen, this editorialist has told all those folks to go stick it up their asses.

This is the very reason why the right is splitting up before our eyes. Self-proclaimed right-wingers are now openly willing to sacrifice the goals of their most longstanding political allies within their own party. If this editorial is truly representative of the state of the Republican party then it's as dead as a party can get. If this guy is serious in his message he might as well be saying the GOP is RIP.
The most longstanding constituents of the Republican part are the economic conservatives. Its the social and populist conservatives who, in a large measure, were attracted by Reagan. True enough, the religious right, gay bashers, etc don't have a seat on the dem side, whatever they may have had pre 1980.

I'm with the author. I'm looking for an economic conservative. Cupboard looks bare. I'm in for a screwing. At least lets not go to war.
As a lifelong republican, I am for John McCain. I think he is someone who will try to get runaway spending under control. Too far left for many republicans ......... While Bush was pushing through the largest expansion of the nanny state since LBJ,the medicare prescription drug benefit, McCain voted against it.
doddering mccain(bob dole's twin from '96) would get crushed by obama's wife, much less clinton's.
I would think (maybe hope is more appropriate) that McCain's military record and experience would influence his decision on whether to enter into ANY conflict where troops are in harm's way. I would think having been a POW, he would tend to lean more towards the side of diplomacy.
say, that is where it gets shady. the "truth" to McCain, and apparently you, is not the "truth" to everyone else. in fact, i would say it is an opinion that has no sure facts to back it up and it is a matter of speculation much like that idea of going in there in the first place.
How many "John McCain says we might be in IRaq for 100 years.." postcards do you think will go out if McCain gets the GOP nomination? Right now the GOP is searching for their "Mondale" as far as bringing votes across the aisle.

This snippet however is exactly why the GOP is going to get severely kicked in the balls on election day 2008
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McCain would be crushed by Obama. Hillary can speaks circles around him, so I would imagine she would crush him as well.

He isn't great on his feet. The spotlight has been on Democrats, so in-eloquence by him and Giuliani have largely gone unnoticed by the MSM. Huckabee is great on his feet, but he has problems with his positions. Romney is smooth and looks like a president; he has gotten an empty suit label which would kill him against Hillary. The empty suit label wouldn't be as useful in a race against Obama (since that is the label he has been getting from more than just the Clintons), but Obama has the "candidate of change" card that hurts Romney.

I don't see any Republican beating Hillary or Obama - especially Obama, so worrying about McCain is moot for me (my problem with McCain is his authoritarian streak more than anything else).

I think the Republicans need to understand this is a rebuilding year. Find the platform and start convincing Americans why it is the right platform for America. McCain is a bad choice for platform building because he doesn't represent the base of Republicans and has stuck a stick in Republicans too many times. He is a maverick, with no ideology guiding his positions.

I don't think a Reagan is coming out of this group of candidates. If the evangelical message is how you want the party to be perceived, go with Huckabee. If it is the business/CEO message of Romney, go with Romney. Giuliani and McCain have just tried to be too many things for too many people. That worked for Clinton and Bush II - but it has run its course.

I am only speaking to the base Republicans and about the Republican race when I say this - find a leader and let the coalitions work from and for around that leader's message. 2008 is probably lost. The Supreme Court you desired is a hope that will not be realized. Taxes will rise for the "boogeyman" rich and creep down to lower brackets of Americans who see they are being called rich, but don't feel like they are rich. And while they criticize Republican spending, the programs Democrats are pushing will cost enormous sums. Defense spending will be cut. Free trade will be curtailed. The Misery index will be reintroduced.

At that point, Americans will be looking for a leader - someone who makes them feel good about being an American. If you have such a leader, the electorate will shift back again.

Republicans just don't have the fight in them anymore. Many began riding the wave of pessimism and never looked back to see who propelled that wave.

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