Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?

probably was Web Hubbell




She doesn't directly deny it. (FYI - The guy who's asking her about it is Robert Morrow. He's a raging tool, a colossal weirdo, and a filthy guy, but I must admit that I laughed at this. I've met Morrow a few times, but I try to stay away from guys who wear shorts and tube socks.)

The US media was told to start pimping Chelsea and so that is what they are doing

Ironically, here, however, they left her open to charges that she is just like Bill

The USA is sadly approaching Third World levels of nepotism and corruption.

My take from this is to never use Expedia. The simple rule is that anything with a Clinton involved on a high level must be corrupt. There are tons of better options out there.

If Obama can win the Nobel Peace Prize . . .

The Deep State really wants to make Chelsea happen
Did you see the amount of mentions The Hill gave her (posted above)
What do they get for that?
Is it just an outright cash payment, or is it some other promise, like exclusives?
They are getting something for that

And they wont stop
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The Hill is turning Chelsea Clinton into Kim Kardashian (less the the sex tape (thank you very much) and less the actual business accomplishments)



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It's a Lifetime Entertainment achievement award. Not sure what Chelsea Clinton did to deserve it but context matters. That capital "L" is pretty important.

Good point. The "Lifetime Entertainment" organization's award for significant impact in media and entertainment in the past year.

I appreciate the corrections I get in the West Mall from mis-statements from the left and right. I post rarely, but do read. You guys consistently conduct a very valuable and high-level set of disagreements and arguments without being punks about it. Rare these days....

Kind of reminds me of the cartoon where the sheepdog and wolf punch the clock to end each day after work.
I appreciate the corrections I get in the West Mall from mis-statements from the left and right.

I second this. Just the other day I went on a rant about Reps using the nuclear option to confirm Garland to SCOTUS. Was quite appreciative to receive a quick correction to Gorsuch. :smile1:
Among the very first things one learns in science is that correlation does NOT equal cause and effect. Chelsea, you're as sleazy and dishonest as yo mama.

Heh. And doesnt it seem like warm weather would help folks lose weight thus decreasing the prevalence of diabetes? Plus its easier to get outside and exercise when its 85 versus 10 below.
How fat do you have to be to blame it on the weather?

Hell, I'd be more inclined to argue that we simply know more ABOUT diabetes now than even a decade ago, much less before then AND the instruments for measuring weather are so more accurate now than decades ago. The ability to so precisely measure temperatures is a new phenomenon, yet the global warming fanatics accept readings from 100 years ago as gospel.
Poor Chelsea (she of Stanford U) got triggered today all because Lincoln woke up and decided to put on a MAGA hat

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