While I am an original Tea Party Conservative, not a Republican, I have a few beliefs and so do quite a number of my friends:
1.) I don't care if you are religious or not, just don't force yourself on me and that goes for the Christian Right and the Atheist Left. If the majority of the people in a town want to display the 10 Commandments, so be it. If the majority of the town wants to display the Koran or some belief in it, so be it.
2.) I have this opinion about most social issues that should not even be major issues to be POTUS. Finance, Defense, Trade are what we should be voting on as POTUS. We don't need any more Society Changers in the Federal government, do that at your local level.
3.) All Washington Politicians are crooks, most state and city are too. I am not voting for anyone that is a political lifer. That includes all candidates except for Trump and Carson at the moment. That a Senator can enter the Senate in the 1970's with nothing to his name and 40 years later be worth 100 of millions of dollars just floors me. Allowing the foxes to run the hen house is absurd and that they are not accountable is just ******* crazy.
4.) The border does need to be secured and we need a true headcount, 11 million is way understated, it is closer to 30 million. The cost to care for 25 of 30 million of illegall immigrants is a little much. Secure the border and then let's talk about who is here and how do we make them productive members/citizens of our society.
5.) Muslim immigration needs to be halted until the situation can be researched and a legitimate solution put in place. Denying them long term-bad idea, randomly placing them in our society with background checks that don't work for gun checks is not the answer either. Let's slow down and address the issue with facts and ideas that are reasonable and that can work.
#drops the mic