Why does this ho-bag hate me?

I think some were kidding and others overly harsh. But, there is some good head food to ponder, perhaps. Maybe you do think of him or your relationship with him in ways you may not have realized you did. You may not have a crush on him, you may not love him or truly want him but there may be attachments you were not aware of.

Some posters here may have hit close to home without nailing it on the target, no pun intended. Realize not all answers will be what you want to hear or accurate to your situation but at least they will be candid and from the posters heart to you.

We heart you even if that hobag does not...and her man does.
i think you've learned your lesson about being over self-aggrandizing when posting personal **** on hornfans. some of us manage to post personal **** all the time without stroking our own ego to such a degree.

that said, it's obvious - she hates you because she knows her man has been in your honey pot, and that he probably would like to be in there again. that's pretty obvious. also pretty obvious is the fact that you are feeling pretty possessive of your "friend." either you really want to be with this dude, or you need to learn that men and women can only be friends to a degree. he's not going to continue to share his darkest personal **** with you while he's with someone who he is MORE personal with. that's how relationships work. this chick's his gf - he'll spend more physical AND emotional time with her until they decide to marry or break it off.

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