Why does the dem candidate need so many delegates?


100+ Posts
Florida and Michigan don't count, so the number of delegates actually seated at the convention is much smaller. Why then is the number of delegates needed to win still the same as if those delegates counted? The dems could easily avoid a brokered convention by simply reducing the number of delegates required to >50% of the CURRENT delegate count.
Because we're Democrats. We don't belong to an organized political party. We love our chaos.....
democrats are big on equality and don't like disparity even if those poor and downtrodden did nothng to pick themselves up. they devised this way of picking delgates because they like ties and don't like a candidate to take it all if they won by only a few percentage points (see educators and soccer moms that like to see the kids not keep score during games). anyway, it has worked in the past because they have never had two powerful candidates at once....so now it bites them in the *** and the loser is going to feel cheated and wonder about the whole equality thing....
What the hell are you talking about? This is a situation that doesn't apply unless a bunch of the delegates aren't allowed to vote at the convention, which isn't exactly a regular occurrence. Otherwise, they just need a simple majority, which means a tie cannot happen. It's only the missing delegates that are screwing things up. If they were properly ignored when deciding the delegates needed to win, then either hillary or obama would meet the threshold.

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