I want to commend those of you that were able to go to the Rice game. I was watching on tv and you were yelling load to give our defense the edge when Rice had the ball. Then I noticed you were much quieter when our offense had the ball and this enabled to our players to hear Colt when he called the play and maybe changed it at the line of scrimmage.
Well Done! Keep up the good work against Arkansas! You are terrific and a great asset to our team!
GO HORNS! FIGHT AND WIN! Keep up the spirit folks. We can't take them lightly and need to win this game and get some revenge for 2003.
Also those in Austin that can please also support our Ladies. The Volleyball team plays tonight at 6 P.M. in Austin against Iowa State and go cheer loudly. I know they lost to Nebraska but the season is young and we will get a shot at them maybe twice more.
Also Friday night if you can please go support our soccer team as they play the Aggies in Austin. This is the first State Farm Lone Star Showdown point and it would be great if we could get it. But it will be a close game and big support could be a difference. Remember the Aggies support their soccer team and will be there so let's not let them outdo us in the noise. Cheer extra loud for me if you can go.
Last year for the first time A&M got the Lone Star cup by 10.5 to 8.5 and they killed us in the Ladies' sports by taking 7 out of 10 points as well as the football point and 4 out of 6 points in Track and Field. I think this year our Women's Cross Country Team is going to get the point (last year the Aggies beat them by 1 point.) So let's support our Ladies!
It's great what Oregon State did in beating USC but let's not get off focus now. Remember Arkansas would love to do the same for us. So let's cheer our team!
I will focus on the pigs after I focus on finding a parking spot. I hear it could be difficult Saturday. I will not focus on finding a restaurant- that seems too much to ask.
Poke chops! Poke chops! I'm focused on some barbequed pig tomorrow...might even eat bacon in the morning and a sausage breakfast taco. If this is the last time Texas plays the swine, I want I-30 to be greased on the way back to Fayette-Nam with pig fat. I've got my focus on!!!