Bill in Sinton

5,000+ Posts
We need to start being ready now. We must stay focused on this game. Arkansas has done some damage in the past to us causing us to lose the NC in 1964 with a one point win. We must be ready. Now is the time to rally behind our team. I will start flying my auto flag on my car. We must be ready. Those in Austin must really show the support. When you see our players or any UT athletes give them the Hook 'em Horns sign. Be encouraging. Drive around town and especially the campus with auto flags and hook your horn and cheer for them. We must encourage our team.
Those that go to the game be very loud and cheer for our team. Give an extra loud cheer for me.

Victory! Go Horns! Beat the Hogs.!
Say that would be an idea at our game since it is in Austin this week. When Arkansas folks start their Whoooh Pig yell we could cheer Whoooooooh Pig Phoey! This would be a great counter reaction. Sort of retaliation that they do with the Hook 'em Horns down sign. Coach Nutt was caught doing it at the game with us a few years ago. Maybe someone should get this message to our cheerleaders. Just a thought. Go Horns!

I think that if you were in an adequate state of readiness, you would be able to spell the word "beat" correctly in the title of your post.

Honestly, it is posts like this one that make me understand some of the crazies that our success has attracted over the past few years. Like flying a flag on your car has anything to do with the game.

Are you the guy three rows in front of me in section 32 that thinks the success of our running plays is directly tied to the angle of his "lucky hat"?

Guess what Bill, the team has not even had it's first Arkansas practice yet. There is plenty of time to get ready. Pace yourself.
Good points Extra and thanks for letting me know of the mistake. No I am not the guy in that row because I have only got to go to two Longhorn games in person in my life but I watch them on tv and listen on the radio. I didn't get to go to UT because of financial situations at the time but I am a Longhorn fan even if I am not a Longhorn so please excuse my spelling and grammar sometimes because I didnt' get to take any of those great UT English Courses. Most here seem to like my posts and I try to contribute to the cause in the best way I can which as you have said isn't much.

Hook 'em Horns! Beat the Hogs!

I still love ya, Bill!!! Those young whipper snappers don't know what they are talkin 'bout!! Those who follow you know the REAL MEANING of the FOCUS thread!!!

Bill, you are an Institution on this board and we appreciate your contributions each and every week.

Everyone would be wise to heed your warnings and maintain proper focusness, especially this week-- the pigs would love to take us down, it's what they live for.

BTHO Arkanpig!!!!
I have already starting flying my Longhorn flag up here in KY.
I know it is kind of long distance, but every little bit helps.

Go Horns!
Extra Large has just made the biggest mistake in hornfans history. Wow, that was really uncalled for.

As for my feelings on the OP, check the sig beyotches.
OK, Whatever. I'll go put on my longhorn socks, rub my lucky penny, fly the flag, and re-watch the 2006 Rose Bowl.

Everyone happy?
Thank you everyone. And everyone welcome Extra who has had a change of heart and is getting with us now as we prepare to beat those Hogs!

you just don't get it extra large. bill in sinton is one of the most positive fans of any school in the country and has become a legend making posts like this every week. if you don't get the humor or the general greatness then you haven't been here long enough. but if you just want to be a smartass about it and act like we are the ones **** for brains...go for it.

one final note for you there extra large, the dude standing in the bullfighter arena is none other than...bill in sinton. respect.
Jive is right everyone. Thank you for your support but Extra is with us now so let's move on. We've got a big game coming up. Let's support our team and get back on focus on this important game. Let's start it up.


If you don't want people to think that you have **** for brains, scroll up the thread a little bit and you will see one of these:


Bill seems to be fine with my "getting on board". Why don't you? If there was a dead horse in that ring, you would be standing over it, beating it with a stick.

I have a game to get back to. Aaron Ross just put a wicked lick on Leinart. He looks kind of dazed.
Bill I'll bet we could come up with some tickets if you are interested in attending a game or two in person. I am sure I don't just speak for myself when I say I would be more than happy to do whatever I can to help a good fan such as yourself cheer the Horns in person.
since bill is on board, i'm on board.

i agree with the land thief that we should make it possible for BIS to attend a game in person. the stadium might explode with focusness but i'd take it.
Just want to stipulate for the record that, as in all cases in the past, I am presently and consistently on board with Bill
Bill's da' man! It's all coming into focus for me, and I see a beating of epic proportions in store for the swine!
Bill rocks! I love his energy and excitement. He has never said an unkind word on this board, he is a stand up fan and person.
Hey Bill, don't worry about the haters. I enjoy your posts every week, as I am sure most people here do. Speaking as one who was blessed enough to attend and graduate from UT, I appreciate all the extra fan support for our team from folks who are Longhorns in spirit. Keep up the good work!

I am 2,000 miles away right now, but I send all my focusness, good vibes, and bad Razorback mojo for the cause. GO HORNS!!!

P.S. if I had a nickel for every misspelling or bad edit that I didn't catch in a post, I would be a very rich man. I never took any of those wonderful UT English courses, either -- I placed out of them so I could finish my degree in four years, due to limits on my scholarship.