I agree that we need to root for USC, for all the above reasons, plus:
1. The USC cheerleaders are better looking,
2. If tOSU wins, they will probably go undefeated again (no one left on their schedule that is any good) and end up ruining a good MNC game one more time, and
3. The way our fans were treated when we went to Columbus.
The only thing I have against USC winning is that after they mudhole tOSU, we will have to listen to the ESPN idoits gushing about "The greatest team of all time" all fall. Pete Carroll probably has a hard time taking a dump now, considering how many Bristol talking heads have their noses up his wazoo.
But I can turn off ESPN. I don't want to miss the chance to derail tOSU, and to keep them away from MNC game #3.