Who had "Baylor will embarrass the league"...

I'm torn because on the one hand, it's true: how do you answer that? "How does it happen? They outplayed us, that's how it happened."

But at the same time, there's some accountability for that, and part of being a star player is that when you have adversity in a tournament game, you don't get techs for hanging on the rim, you don't get into shoving matches with teammates (who may or may not be pinheads to begin with), and you take accountability when you get beat by teams that aren't as talented as you are. It's happened two years in a row, and if someone calling him out on that bothers him, he probably needs to polish up his auto sales skills and go do that instead of being a high-profile college athlete.

I didn't see the game, so I didn't know he did all that. If he deserves to be called out on not playing well, maybe so (although do we really use press conferences to call out specific college players on performance?).

I was just going on that one clip, in which--immediately after a very disappointing loss--a reporter asked an abrasive "gotcha" question, with no particular basketball depth, and the Baylor guy stays as cool as a cucumber and gives a Popovich-type response.

I'm glad Baylor and Scott Drew lost, BTW.

Anger and dislike of Baylor aside, it was a stupid "look at me" question by some ******* wannabe seeking three minutes of fame. The question was obnoxious and nowhere near professional (if there is such a thing in today's media). The look on the Baylor player's face let everyone know what he thought of the question. Being a Baylor athlete, everyone should be pleased that his response wasn't more along the lines of, "What kind of stupid ******* question is that".

For decades we have all referred to "Aggie-ing it". The last few years, we have been able to add "Baylor will Baylor it". As long as I can remember, Baylor never has believed in "post season". They have always been content to just be there. That is a coach who cannot control or motivate his players and has no discipline, but it has defined Baylor in virtually every sport in my lifetime.
I was watching the game at a bar, without sound so couldn't hear the announcers.

There was a TV camera pan over to the BU bench late in the game, isolating 3 Bears sitting in a row. It looked like a shot of an NBA squad --- those guys were tall, long, chiseled, NBA-looking athletes.

For those guys to get outrebounded by a group of slide-rule slappin, uh, IBM punchcard punchin, uh, PC programming, uh, App developing gym rats with BandAid repaired bridge of their glasses, seems like a fair question.

I like his kind of snarky response.

But the best response should have been: "Quite simply, they outplayed us, they outcoached us, that's how they outrebounded us."

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