Bohls tweet: Herman said "you treat players like mature grownups."
If this is an accurate quote, then Herman's Mensa claims need to be checked. They might just be fake. Anyone who makes the effort to read brain research, or human development papers, or look into why young men are charged double for auto insurance until age 25, or read up on why the military wants their combat soldiers "young, dumb, and full of cumm" (i.e., immature, rash, overly aggressive, and mold-able) will quickly discover that the male brain doesn't mature until about age 25. That's when neurologically the brain is essentially complete.
Young men 18 to 22 are far from mature human beings. They are legally adults in a court of law, in the voting booth and in some other respects. If they have the money, they can buy pretty much what they want--enter into contracts.
Things they are not include: mature, and in possession of a fully developed brain.
If this is an accurate quote, then Herman's Mensa claims need to be checked. They might just be fake. Anyone who makes the effort to read brain research, or human development papers, or look into why young men are charged double for auto insurance until age 25, or read up on why the military wants their combat soldiers "young, dumb, and full of cumm" (i.e., immature, rash, overly aggressive, and mold-able) will quickly discover that the male brain doesn't mature until about age 25. That's when neurologically the brain is essentially complete.
Young men 18 to 22 are far from mature human beings. They are legally adults in a court of law, in the voting booth and in some other respects. If they have the money, they can buy pretty much what they want--enter into contracts.
Things they are not include: mature, and in possession of a fully developed brain.