Which is your favorite political party?

Well, you've got the party that hammered this bill home, didn't give anyone a chance to read it, lied about what was in it and demonized people who fought against it, and they did it either knowing what was in it and having no intention of being held to it, or not knowing because they were sheep who just went along with the party.

Then you've got the party who didn't want this, tried to slow the process down and study the bill only to have it forced on them, at which point they began looking for ways to defund or repeal the bill (at least many of them have), and they're now saying "we never wanted this, how can we get out of it?"

You tell me which one's worse? The second category sounds to me about like all the businesses that have gotten exceptions from the government. I don't blame them for trying - although I think they should be out of luck (especially the ones who voted for this.)
You question is like asking if I'd rather dine on three week old armadillo road kill or 8 day old rotting catfish from the lake shore?
Don't knock it 'til you try it. What you call rotting is actually just "curing"!
both have problems and issues
BUT ONLY one party passed obamacare and is now trying to weasel out of having it affect them
I'm not a fan of either party. I particularly dislike government intervention in most things, but realize they are a necessity in some things. I'm really tired of the government trying to invade ever aspect of my life which spans both.
Starting in public schools, teach the classics, question 'democracy' as a model in context of the nature of political power. Teach the Federalist Papers in high school. Teach the need to always question the political process, to take a position of vigilance, and to lay the blame not on well-intentioned people but political power. Teach the history of socialism.

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