Which candidate would Al-Qaeda vote for?

Ag with kids... and you somehow don't think this is Bush's fault at all do you? I feel comfortable ascribing some degree of responsibilty to those that deserve it. You like to hide from reality apparently when it comes to the President you stand shoulder to shoulder with on nearly every issue. I guess responsiblity is somehting you don't like Ag with kids or you would look at a set of facts and make evaluations based on those facts.

Does ANYBODY think Osama wouldn't want another 4 years of Bush?

We can't even get Germany to send it's troops into the dangerous parts of Afganistan. In the mind of Ag with kids it's probably hillary's fault.. as it can NEVER, EVER be Bush's fault! It must be nice to live in a world where there is no accountabilty, must make things simple.....
We haven't been attacked because it's easier for Osama to sit back and let some guys he barely knows kill a bunch of Americans and bog is down in Iraq. We've done much more damage to our nation with the Iraq war than terrorists inflicted on 9/11.
Tell the parents of the 4000 troops who have been killed in Iraq that we haven't been attacked since 9/11

BTW: yeah, Iraq is Bush's fault. I'm still looking for WMD's. Still haven't found them.

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