Where will it end?


500+ Posts
Benghazi, AP, and IRS. Will Hillary take the fall for Benghazi? Does O throw her under the bus?

How about the AP mess? Eric Holder is responsible? Resigns?

What shakes out on the IRS? That looks like disgusting, and when you have Dem congressmen calling for investigation on the targeted groups, the President naming them in speeches, well, it looks very fishy to say the least.

Will anyone be arrested, tried, convicted before they get pardoned in three years?
1) Hillary should take the fall for Benghazi.
Obama would throw his mama under the bus, in fact, I'm pretty sure he threw his Grandma under the bus as a racist.

2) Eric Holder will NEVER resign.
Claims he recused himself, although he didn't do it in writing and doesn't know when he did it. Besides, all he knows is what he reads in the media, like Obama.

3) The lady who ran the dept. that audited the Tea Party groups just got promoted to run Obamacare. What else do you need to know?

4) No. No one will be arrested. Many Americans don't give a damn as long as their free bennies keep coming.
Full warning that my post is tinfoil hat material. During the campaign, we heard a lot about obamas ground game and campaign database being the best in history. They knew more about likely voters and their movement than any politician ever. I know of a large organization that has a lot of information on people that has recently been in the news for targeting conservative groups. Is there any chance obamas people obtained access to IRS information? Takes tinfoil hat off.

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