Where is Eric Braverman?

Day 88 (Part 1) DisneyWorld in the North, Test in the Center, Harvest and Micro-Shark in the South; Will Braverman Investigate Missing DynCorp Kids?

Day 88 (Part 2) Storyboarding CF Ops with Trello, Haiti Coup

Day 89 (Part 1) The Coming Partition of Haiti, Sudan, Congo Repeats

Day 89 (Part 2) Heart od Darkness - Jungle Cruise to Congo's Uranium Mines.

Day 91 (Part 1) Oil, Arms, DynCorp, UN Peacekeepers, Rape, Child Traffic, Organ Harvest, All One Thing

Day 91 (Part 2) Summary Slide Version

Day 91 (Part 3) Slow and Subtle Wins the Race for DynCorp

Day 91 (Part 4) Slow and Subtle Wins the Race for DynCorp - How Few Operatives and Informants It Takes

Day 92 (Part 1) Israel's James Bond, Bob Maxwell

Day 92 (Part 2) Satellite, Surveillance, Red Teams, and Palantir

Day 92 (Part 3) Osprey Global, Team Rubicon, and DynCorp 1 , 2 , 3

Day 92 (Part 4) Transfusions, Stem Cells, and Replacement Parts

Day 93 (Part 1) Kidnapping Teams, Inserting Contras, Cell Phone Triage

Day 93 (Part 2) Bodybags to Ft Bragg, Shades of Jeffrey McDonald?

Day 93 (Part 3) The Real Heart of Darkness

Day 94 (Part 1) CIA Revenge Groups, Gary Webb, and Slipknot Girls

Day 94 (Part 2) DynCorp = 650,000 Emails, Metadata Proves It

Day 95 (Part 1) Jeff Rense Show - Organ Harvest To Make Life Better For Donors

Day 95 (Part 2) Enter the Godfather, Doug Coe, The Brotherhood

Day 95 (Part 3)
The Pope's Mafia Inside USSS, The Disorderly Orderly

Day 95 (Part 4) Organ Harvesting in Kosovo

Last edited:
Day 96 (Part 1) Publish the 650K Email Metadata So You At Least Know What Hillary Has On You

Day 96 (Part 2) Ready to Solve the Ratline

Day 97 (Part 1) Operation Underground Railroad, Dupont Underground Tiles

Day 97 (Part 2) Three Extra Jobs While Being A Diplomat, Real Estate in DC, Maid Service, and Fashion CEO

Day 97 (Part 3) Late Edition.

Day 98 (Part 1) DynCorp, Vaccinations, and Me

Day 98 (Part 2) Social Justice Kids at State Dept.

Day 98 (Part 3) DynCorp - the Real Life Bourne Legacy

Day 98 (Part 4) Public Private Partnerships, Public R&D, Private Profits

Day 99 (Part 1) Operation Underground Railroad - Convincing Good Mormons You Are A Bad Guy

Day 99 (Part 2) From Homan Square Chicago to Cleveland Clinic

Day 99 (Part 3) Enter the Navy Hospital Ship "Comfort"

Day 101 (Part 1) Cord Blood, Vigilantes, and Glen Beck

Day 101 (Part 2) Blumenthal's Hospital Ship, Phoenix Program a Model For DHS

Day 102 (Part 1) Puello, Wanted In Four Countries For Sex Trafficking, Contacts #HRCRATLINE

Day 102 (Part 2) Puello, Wanted In Four Countries For Sex Trafficking, Contacts #HRCRATLINE

Day 107 (Part 1) DynCorp Infiltration of America's Sheriffs, Your County

Day 107 (Part 2) Enter Cemex, Shorebank, and Seaboard with Decameron Hotels

Day 108 (Part 1) From Vaccine To Harvest - Chicago Slaughterhouse II

Day 108 (Part 2) Foreign Doctors Training On Organ Pulls In DC?

Day 108 (Part 3) Brown Brothers Harriman, Cerberus Capital/Dyncorp, Same Thing

Day 108 (Part 4) Red Cross Buys $10.5M Property For Hotels In Haiti

Day 109 (Part 1) Summary Video To Get Everyone Caught Up

Day 109 (Part 2) DynCorp's USA Marijuana - Picking Winners And Losers

Day 109 (Part 3) DynCorp Fusion Centers, Homan Square Torture Facility

Day 109 (Part 4) Enter Paret Petroleum and Samy's Refrigerated Transportation

Day 109 (Part 5) Going Undercover With Valerie Plaime

Day 109 (Part 6) Sons of Anarchy is based on a True Story

Day 111 (Part 1) No Mug Shots For Project Underground Railroad

Day 111 (Part 2) Sonnenstein Euthanasia - Nous Petit Freres et Souers

Day 111 (Part 3) Angel Wings, Flex Jets, and Nous Petit Freres et Souers

Day 112 (Part 1) Madeline McCabe, Coloboma, and Nazi Viruses

Day 112 (Part 2) DynCorp Virus Vaccine Program, IG Farben's Old Portfolio?

Day 113 (Part 1) 3 Muslim Brothers Making 160K at US Gov't Hack HPSCI, DHS, HCFA

Day 113 (Part 2) Damage Control Time For Trafficking Ops

Day 113 (Part 3) The Awan Muslim Brothers On US House Staff May Have Tipped Off Yemen Muslim Brotherhood In Navy Seal's Death

Day 114 (Part 1) Enter Bob Mosier, Sheriff Fauquier County, Virginia

Day 114 (Part 2) Enter Jacques Paul Klein, Architect of Atrocities

Day 115 (Part 1) Taking Advantage of Marital Troubles.

Day 115 (Part 2) Enter Alan Bersin From DHS, Open Border vs Guarded Border

Day 116 (Part 1) 143 Pages of DynCorp Sheriffs in One Day

Day 116 (Part 2) Ashton Kushner vs General Michael Flynn

Day 116 (Part 3) Enter Paul Helliwell and the Havana Christmas Conference of 1946


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