Where have we heard this theme before?

My question and the reason I started this link is by recognizing and legitimizing the Taliban are we closer to admitting we can not stop the extreme islamists?
That may well be the case and if it is then we should not wend ONE more American to die .
Think how pleased the Talibam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran etc will be.
Jews, Christians ,Women and Gays not so much
yes that is the concern.
I am surprised that France is fighting the mali version of al Q and wonder how long they will continue.

I don't see any good outcome for many of the people in affected muslim countires OR in the future for all countries including USA

perhaps someone can offer their opinion of how this recognition of these extreme and growing groups could be good for women jews gays
abd ultimately USA and others
You know I meant the women Jews and Gays being killed in the muslim countries

I always wonder if you are serious or if you are just pretending to be somewhat conservative.
Nice discussion guys. Here is some more info:

"A majority of respondents say they have no sympathy at all (63%) with armed opposition groups in Afghani- stan, while 10% say they have a lot of sympathy and 20% say they have some level of sympathy. Over time, there has been a decline in the number of people who sympathize (either a lot or little) with these armed opposition groups that use violence. While the 2012 figures are fairly similar to 2011, there has been a notice- able decline from 2011 to 2012 in the proportion of Afghans with no sympathy for armed opposition groups in a few regions, including Central/Kabul (74% to 70%), the West (60% to 56%) and the South West (61% to 55%). Among those who express a high level of sympathy toward the armed opposition groups, 34% say it is because these groups are Afghans, while a similar proportion (33%) says it is because they are Muslims."

From:The Link

My own conjecture... Looks like that's a true democracy. I would guess we have about 10% extremism in the US, too. Our extremists are not all the same type of extremist, so ours are easier to marginalize.