When is Romney Going to Go on Offense?

When he lied on his college transcripts and said he was a foreign national to get favored tuition and entry into the school easier, I think it is comparable. The IRS has never come after Mitt so he did nothing illegal. I am sure when he ran for governor of Mass they looked closely at his returns.
Call me weird, but I don't care about Romney's tax returns or Obama's college records. There are real public policy issues to be addressed in the campaign and going on a big fishing expedition one way or the other just doesn't seem to be productive.

What would we learn from Romney's tax returns? We'd learn that he has basically been a professional rich guy his entire adult life and give the Left an excuse to demagogue his wealth. If he was involved in any kind of sleazy business dealings, then let the SEC, FTC, and IRS (who already have his returns) go after him. If they want to pursue him, then so be it.

Obama's college records are also a waste. Did he lie on his application? I don't know, but it's too far back to matter and too inconsequential for me to care. He advocates a horrible fiscal policy. That's enough reason for me not to vote for him.
Part of the transcript thing is, it goes to character, if he put foreign national, that says a ton about a man. I also want to see how "intelligent" he is.....

The claim because he went to Harvard is that he is some intellectual superior person, and I don't think he is, it is being shoved down my throat that he is with absolutely no proof. Give me proof, is all I ask.

He reads well from a teleprompter, that is about all I have seen from him.
Obama is clearly hiding something if he wont release his college transcripts. Mitt is hiding something in his tax returns.

Maybe they should get together and do a joint release and sign an agreement not to prosecute each other depending on who wins the election? Just kidding.

As for Mitt, he clearly lied about his involvement with Bain after 1999. ON a disclosure form. Which says it is a felony to lie on it.

I really don't care; as I said, I wouldn't vote for anybody who wants to be president anyway. Who wants to have a job where you might get to blow up some country with nuclear weapons as a part of your job? And kill a few million civilian non combatants? I'll pass.

These guys both suck.

But I recall back in the Clinton impeachment circus that an awful lot of republicans were saying it was not about the blow jobs but about lying under oath. Where might they be now?
I thought Mitt's magic underwear would be protecting him from any low blows.

Gotta love the GOP. Last time they paired McCain (an ok-enough buy) with Palin. That (predictably) went nowhere.

Now, because of the dysfunctional primary system which is hijacked by right-wing evangelicals (can't say you believe in evolution; have to say that gay marriage causes hurricanes) they've selected an out-of-touch Mormon who has had to backpedal on some of his past stands. Very reasonable past stands: abortion rights, health care, etc..

If the GOP didn't like Kerry b/c he was rich, then why do they like Romney?

Wasn't there an evangelical pow-wow around here recently where the right-wingers for God were trying to deal with the possibility of having a non-Christian on the top of the GOP ticket?

Maybe the GOP's problem is that they don't have enough true believers?
McCain picked Palin, she was not foisted on him by the party.

They didn't dislike Kerry because he was rich but in spite of it.

And if the religious zealots highjacked the primaries, how did a Massachussetts liberal who is not even a christian get the nomination? Mitt got nominated because he was not the favorite of the religious whackos---he was the only alternative and he ended up winning against all of them.

There are still a majority of republicans who are not religious nuts or bigots, etc.
3 Pinocchios rom the Washington Post (should have been 4):

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal?



The Pinocchio Test

The Obama campaign is blowing smoke here. We realize that Bauer gets to the word “criminal” by mentioning “investigation,” but that distinction might be lost on most listeners.

Meanwhile, the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999. He stated that in a federal disclosure form he signed, under threat of criminal penalties. He said he was a “former employee” in a state disclosure form. A state commission concluded 10 years ago that he did, indeed, leave Bain in 1999. Investors in Bain funds were told he was not part of the management team.

The SEC documents, especially the ones Romney signed, do raise some questions. One can certainly argue that because Romney did not fully extricate himself from Bain till after his Olympic sojourn ended, he should bear some responsibility for what happened in that period. But that is an entirely different matter than suggesting that he is a potential criminal. It is more of a PR problem, which the Obama campaign is trying to exploit to build a larger case that Romney is secretive.

We were tempted to award this claim Four Pinocchios, but the documents with his signature leave some room for inquiry. But, overall, they shrink in importance to the other evidence cited above. (Our colleagues at FactCheck.Org also reaffirmed their similar conclusion.)

Still, if the Obama campaign wants to put its money where its mouth is, it should immediately lodge a complaint about Romney’s financial disclosure form, filed just last year, rather than try to mislead people about potential violations in relatively unimportant SEC documents.
CNN Report Debunks Latest False Attack From Obama Campaign (Regarding Mitt Romney and his departure from Bain)


(John King and Wolf Blitzer)

CNN's John King reports on his meeting with four Bain Capital employees, including two active Obama supporters. They all back up Mitt Romney's claim he left Bain Capital in February 1999, thereby refuting the Obama campaign's latest baseless attack.
Fortune magazine: Documents: Romney didn't manage Bain funds


FORTUNE -- Mitt Romney did not manage Bain Capital's investments after leaving to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games, according to confidential firm documents obtained by Fortune.

The timing of Romney's departure from Bain became a lightning rod earlier today, when The Boston Globe published an article suggesting that Romney remained actively involved with the firm longer than he and his campaign have claimed. The sourcing is largely SEC documents that list Romney as Bain Capital's CEO and sole shareholder through 2002 -- or three years after Romney officially left to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games.

These claims are very similar to ones made last week by David Corn in Mother Jones, which we disputed at the time.
So the whole point, according to some here, is whether funds were managed or not by Romney? So Mitt could have done other stuff, like attending meetings, but as long as he never actually "managed funds" it's all good?

I guess the Repubs are looking for any reason to like their guy.

Maybe Mitt could have given the Queen an iPod or some DVD's, maybe he has some 8 tracks laying around.

If he has any extra beer or blow he could pass that to them as gifts too!!!!
I have no use for either of them but all this stuff about when he was in control or ceded it is based on the idea that after 1999 the evil Bain started outsourcing and the argument that follows is that such acts are somehow beyond the pale.

In fact, outsourcing is just smart business, especially if your competitors are lowering their costs by doing it and putting you at a competitive disadvantage in terms of labor costs.

By 1999 anybody who could was doing so and an idiot if they didn't.


In part because the Free Trader Bill Clinton, who got elected in 1992 with the whole hearted support of organized labor, which opposed free trade, had pushed through Bush senior's NAFTA agreement, which was roundly hailed by labor as a job killer. It was. It was also the start of similar such agreements everywhere we could arrange them.

I have no problem with free trade agreements and the resulting outsourcing. For every dollar we lose from outsourcing we gain one from some other direction. I recall thinking about the corn farmers in Mexico as I drove through Morelos in the early 1990s that they were a doomed economic sector with their mules---no way they could compete with the guys in Kansas and the Texas panhandle.

The other great thing about free trade is that it lowers the price on the products of outsourcing.

If the Illinois Pied Piper were really against outsourcing he would be working to get rid of free trade agreements instead of pushing new ones.

Agree that Mitt is a soulless droid from the Harvard Business School. A pox on both of them.
2002 SLC Olympic games a smashing success!!!!

I think President Obama was still doing Blow and drinking beer in the back of his white friends van or smoking weed at another brothers apartment that he knew from the gym where he balled.
Your use of exclamation points is overdone. Five of them? To make the point that you and the other folks with aluminum foil ear muffs are certain O claimed to be a foreign national? That is like the Obamalemmings' certainty that Mitt's tax returns show contributions to NAMBLA or the Klan.

Get a grip.

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