When is Romney Going to Go on Offense?

Here is Romney's new video ad that responds to the Obama lies about Romney outsourcing jobs. It is a killer.


To the largest extent possible, Romney will try to wait until after the conventions before fleshing out his plans and going on the offensive. There are just too many people that Romney needs to reach that just aren't paying attention yet. Really, it is just too soon for Romney to start blasting with the big guns just yet.
I've been wondering the exact same thing. The Obama campaign is landing a lot of cheap blows in the ring against Romney right now, and it just seems all he is doing is covering up with his gloves. If Romney has any prayer of winning, he'll have to uncover and swing/hit back hard himself.

It does make sense that he would wait until after the Republican convention before firing the big guns, but this strategy reminds me of the OU-Texas games, where Longhorn fans kept waiting for Mack and GD to unveil their secret/special plays, only to find out there never were any.
There's a lot more going on than we see here in Texas. Either candidate would be foolish to spend money here on anything but raising campaign contributions.

With all the conservative super pacs out there, not to mention Romney's experienced and well-funded campaign every swing state voter will have multiple opportunities to know the salient failures of Obama and his administration, not to mention a few bogus ones as well.
That is a good commercial mojoman, but seeing it for the first time on Horn Fans isn't good.

He certainly did go for the jugular against Newt, so I hope everyone is right and he is playing it cool, waiting for the right time.
Guys....relax. Its July.

Here are some things you need to understand.....

1. Obama has leads in polls of registered voters with samples skewed to D voters. Translation....they are meaningless and designed by the MSM and others to create the illusion that Obama has momentum. He hasn't got squat.

2. The Bain and outsourcing thing is out now for a reason....1. Obama needs to have the discussion about something other then his record and, 2, that's the best they have. Ask your self this....why isn't this a Sept/Oct talking point? Answer: Obama is trying to stay in the game for now.

3. Do you think its a coincidence that Condi's name is floating around? How fast do you think that will change the discussion? What kind of momentum swing do you think such an announcement will bring? I think the fact is, her name is at the top of the list and its been floated in order to be test marketed beyond the polling the Romney campaign has already done.

4. The economy is slowing again. The 8.2 rate is going to be rising ever so slightly in Sept and Oct at a very bad time for Obama.

5. The recent Romney ad posted above ends with the theme..."yet another reason Obama has failed" or something to that effect. This is first in a series of ads that will run through November where they hang Obama with his own words.

I say again....relax. Its only July.
She doesn't bring any state or Demographic with her.

African Americans are not going to change their vote no matter what.

Women aren't going to vote for her just because she is a woman. I think that day passed with Geraldine.

I think Condi would be a great choice, but it just does not fit in this election, of course in my opinion.

Right now, I like Rubio, strong latin influence, and I believe it puts Florida in the Romney column.
The role of the VP candidate has always been that of an attack dog. That allows the presidential candidate to stay out of the fray and appear "above it all". Strangely, that may be the only thing that Joe Biden is good at. I don't think Condi has any attack dog in her. Now Chris Christie or Rubio could do it.
Whoever accepts the R-VP role better be ready to have the MSM attack them relentlessly. Look for the house next door to be sold as a staging point. That's not Condi. Christie is the one best prepared from that standpoint.
These false allegations by Obama and his crew are further refuted by CNN (Video of TV News Report) and the Washington Post (long and detailed analysis):In reply to:

I'm more of a Rubio guy myself, but Condi would siphon off enough AM and women voters to be the difference in some tight battleground states. Don't kid yourselves.

Too many years in HR. That's the PeopleSoft minority group designator (MGD) at my firm for African Americans.
I would like to see Mitt's tax returns for the last twenty years and all of O's college records.

Of course, I would not vote for either of them anyway but I would like to see the base data on the two Ivy League megalomaniacs who will end up lying on the evening news every day for the next four years.

Who knows, one of them is likely to get us into another interminable war in some place we haven't thought about yet.
I'll trade Mitt's tax returns for BO's admission applications and college transcripts. In a minute. However, we know BO's info will never be forthcoming. It seems to me that if someone had something to hide, it wouldn't be their college info. I know, I know - I must be a racist.
So Austin Bat. You think documents Mitt Romney signed for the SEC or tax returns he filed as a grown up professional business executive are comparable in relevance to applications and transcripts from Barak Obama when he was 17-20? One of us must be so partisan that all sense of proportion and balance is out of whack.

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