Whatcha'll want me to sang this here fer?


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Wha- is this evil? 'Kay then...how you pronouce the word?

Chuggamanoo, maneck caneck
Hobbalahoo cammeh
Goodbye to Texas Univerrrsity of Texas
Goodbye to Ernge and da Whi-ite lord
Good luck to them gid ol Texas Aggies, emm-hmm
Dey is the boys who knows how to fiiiiiight
"Da Eyes of Texas Is Upon You" (yes lord)
Dat is the song they sang so well it sound like hay-el
OH! Goodbye to Texas Universitay
Now for the Aggies look here
Chiggawiggabone, Chiggadiggadoo
Jusco, higgada, huggadadado

What in the world da that mean?
That never gets old.
Speaking of Shirley Q Liquor, there's a link to her rendition of the piggy fight song on another thread (I started) that makes me wet my pants (with laughter as opposed to incontinence).

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