What the F is a birther?

I35. You should learn to attribute when you cut like that. sneaking inquotation marks, whether before or after called on it, doesn't cut it. Actually, who gives a flip if you copied a chain email? I don't. The only reason I even mentioned it was because of the rich irony of AustinBat praising your post, and then saying that you would probably be wrongfully accused of parrotting someone elses words, which is exactly what you were doing. Go back and re-read the exchange.

I'm intrigued at two things about your response to my comments concerning Obama saying "Iran is a tiny country." First,you think that ABC news is a liberal factchecker? Ok.
Second, the so called liberal fact checker posted exactly the same text you linked to. You think that Obama's words were incorrect? Ok, fine, that's your right. But he didn't say whay you said he did, and the ABC "liberal factchecker" and the link you posted both put his words in fair context. And he is right.

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