What is your most hated intersection in Austin?

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Noone's brought up 183/360? Wasn't it voted the most dangerous intersection in Austin?

The idiots who exit 183S expecting to cross 3 lanes of traffic and go 360S should have their heads examined. There's no way in hell you're gonna make it without causing an accident, or backing up all the lanes behind you.

You are exactly right, that light on South Lamar in front of the Olive Garden at Brodie Oaks Shopping Center sux. I have never made it through that light without stopping, even late at night. I hate intersections that go into shopping centers, they almost always suck.


Yep there is an Olive Garden right there at the intersection of Ben White and South Lamar, less than a mile south of the Broken Spoke.

Hook em
It's generally impossible to synchronize lights on a two-way city street unless you have two different speed limits in the two directions (one being very slow, which makes the idea unfeasible altogether). It would make sense to synchronize in one direction for different times of the day; unfortunately, there is heavy traffic in both directions on most of Austin's most crowded central arteries (ie, Guadalupe near campus, Lamar, MLK, 15th, etc.). That said, the one-ways like Lavaca going north and Guadalupe going south in some parts are synchronized pretty well.

To answer the original question, my least favorite light as a driver is 15th & I-35 or any light on Dean Keeton. As a pedestrian, Guadalupe @21st gets the nod.
To the architects of the 183/360 interchange:
So let's say I need to get to the Gateway Theatres and I'm going north on Mopac. You're saying that after I toboggan off the flyover I get to DIVE BLINDLY across about fourteen lanes of traffic - and you're giving me...uh...100 or so meters? Check. Thanks guys, sounds like fun!
I think they designed that intersection with the belief that no businesses would be built before getting to Great Hills Trail.
there is a stop light on lamar just north of 38th where central market comes out, and EVERY TIME i pass it, i get stopped. i can be driving by there at 3 in the morning with not a car in sight, and i have to sit there for like 5 minutes waiting for the damn thing to change. why can't they just set the lights to blink after a certain time?