What if it was not the Russians?

The DNC has figured out how to abuse senile old white men who are portrayed as fair and independent to meet their political needs. First Mueller then Sleepy.
Fill a jury with Clinton donors and look what happens.

We had an e-mail that confirmed his guilt but it doesn't matter. DC corruption at its best.
It further damages the department of justice. They have zero credibility any longer. They are just DNC enforcement.
lol. The same mindset that says anyone from the GOP who doesn't agree with Trump is a RINO. Admit it, it's a cult.
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Except the evidence that he lied is right here in black and white. Put a bunch of Clinton donors on the jury and viola: DC corruption.

lol. The same mindset that says anyone from the GOP who doesn't agree with Trump is a RINO. Admit it, it's a cult.
Don’t be so lazy. I’ve never associated someone as a RINO because they don’t agree with Trump. I call a RINO a RINO due to their own actions and policies.

Being brainwashed by CNN is no way to go through life. The actions by the FBI should scare the **** out of you knowing what’s coming in November and 2024.
The odds of a Democrat getting convicted of any kind of ethical or political matter in DC is virtually nil, because you'll never be able to empanel an impartial jury. It's like getting an all-Klan jury to convict a white guy of killing a black guy in 1920 Alabama.
The odds of a Democrat getting convicted of any kind of ethical or political matter in DC is virtually nil, because you'll never be able to empanel an impartial jury. It's like getting an all-Klan jury to convict a white guy of killing a black guy in 1920 Alabama.

Hell, we have proof in black and white right here that he lied. The jury ignored it.


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