What if it was not the Russians?

Congressman believes Papadopoulos was “trapped”. Yet, the left only cares that he lied under duresss to the FBI cuz Trump. What an injustice.
All claims about what Trump "wanted" to do. But no real acknowledgement about what Trump has done in opposition to Putin. I am not aware of one action that has been helpful to Putin from Syria to Ukraine to Iran to direct economic sanctions.
Both candidates had significant ties to Russia. Trump through Manafort and Clinton through Podesta. Then come to find out through GPS Fusion.
Why else would prosecutors send Erickson a target letter, if not for his Russian girlfriend who just plead guilty for not registering as a foreign agent? That isn't a logical connection?

Have you seen the note the FBI found at Erickson's home where he wrote "how to respond to FSB offer of employment?"

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