So your question is not what he stands for because you at least now suggest that you have read what he stands for which is included in detail on his website.
Apparently, your question is how he will accomplish what he stands for.
If you listen to his speeches, he states that it will be very very difficult and that it is up to us to help him make the changes. Of course he was told that there was no way he could beat Hillary, which is still up in the air.
He intends to use his oratorical skills to get us to rise off our asses and demand a better performance from Congress and to demand a different government that is not run by the lobbyists.
Will he succeed? He has succeeded in getting many more people off their asses than I have seen during my years as a grass roots activist. He certainly has gotten young people off of their asses to go and vote and to work on his campaign. And he has refused to accept PAC or Washington lobbyist money to fund his campaign.
When as President, he proposes sweeping changes to restrict lobbyist influence in Washington, there will be a very effective and well financed opposition waiting for him. He will lose unless the 70-80% who do not approve of Congress get off their butts to support the sweeping changes.
Will we win? Maybe not because most of us will not get off of our asses. But at least he will try and even if he does not achieve sweeping reforms, he will be working in the right direction.
But if you are happy with the government today, then both Hillary and McCain are good safe choices.