What do y'all want?

I always enjoy knowing more about the people that post on here. We have done the age question, how we picked our name question, and a host of other questions. How about once a month(?) giving a poster a chance to tell about themselves. I think that would interesting. In the news paper when they do a writeup on a celeberty that are a series of standard questions they give answers to. Pick a poster and let them give answers to similar questions. Say when they post their 1000th post for example. By then they have been around long enough that we all know them and it would be interesting to know about them, I think.
Places in Austin to watch the games. Tailgate ect. info. Football related things to visit or look at on campus.

Great taste in music. If you do it you can probably just tie in the streming from gruenewithenvy.com.

Anyway, I think it would be cool to put together an in depth essay about past games against our next opponent. For example the week before the OU game, provide a write-up of the TX-OU game 10, 20, 30 years ago. This would especially be interesting for teams we don't play that often.
TA, I think you, LHG, and some of the moderators should monitor some of the hot topics and let the posters vote where they stand. I can think of a few issues these last few months where I wondered what most visitors to this board thought. I know there are a lot of lurkers here that don't post. I didn't post the first 2 years I was on the board. Maybe voting would give the lurkers an easier way to express their opinion.
A video of each player starting with High School stats and honors, progress through each year, best plays etc. Like the Angles do now with the scrapbook, except electronically. Let the Angles do it, to be presented to the player along with the scrapbook. Show special plays and stats from games.
Select one per week of the seniors' videos to link to after the football season.

Interview one of the movers and shakers of the program.
i.e. Tom H., Red Mc., GWB, etc.

Pick a topic and discuss it with posters in depth. i.e. The indoor practice facility. Pros, Cons, What Mack has to say about it, what Red has to say about it, what do the players think about it,etc.

You won't have time to practice Law, just marry a NFL player.
Longhorn ringtones for my Ericsson phone. (and nokia)
Texas Fight
The Eyes
March of the Longhorns
Hill Country Theme

No pictures whatsoever of aggies and sheep.
nostalgia-where are they now-game day photos from the past-video clips from old games would be great--pics and clips must be archived
Names of UT football players that frequent this board and the handles they use. That way I can really give them a piece of my mind when they ruin my year.

Seriously, I think the "Where are they now" idea is good.