What do y'all want?


25+ Posts
Alright, that isn't a free-form question: I just needed to get your attention.

LonghornGirlie has asked me to contribute to the site, and add content about history, traditions, etc. I've got some ideas, but it occurred to me (when my Dad posited an idea last night at dinner) that all of y'all probably could come up with much better ideas than my own. Stuff y'all want to see here that you would like to read/peruse/whatever. I don't want to give y'all a bunch of stuff I like, that no one else will read.

So my question is this: what kind of content, in the way of history and traditions or other related areas, would you like me to develop for the Football portion of the site?

All other replies to the original question should probably be sent by PM...
There should be a section of pictures, including the one of HenryJames pummeling Chris Applewhite outside of Matthew McConaughey's house the night we beat Nebraska at DKR.
I'd really like to see a "where are they now thread." Past players that aren't in the leauge anymore, or never made it.

It's interesting to see what they did after UT football. A very small percentage make it to the next level.

Afterall, we do put a lot of time and effort into 18-22 year olds that make us happy or angry as hell for their efforts on the field.

We did the ages of all the posters here - and that was really interesting info. I would like to see a "guest map" that we could post to ...... that would show a U.S. map and the geographic location of the posters. It would be nice to see where all the Hornfans are located. I think there are several cgi programs or even websites that link/host these for you for free.
I think the best thing to do is to add stuff you're interested in. I'm sure there will be many of us who will like what you put out - in terms of content, of course. I remember your site very well. You did a great job on it.

Otherwise you'll end up researching Austin Mexican fast food.
More information on how the Angels contribute.

What are your current activities?

An Angel of the month spotlight. Bio, major, etc...

What roles do the Angels play?

That kind of stuff.
Pictures of angels, and their home numbers and underwear size. Oh, you were serious? Sorry, just had to go for the obvious sleeze line.

Where are they now
geographical distribution of posters
info on football and athletic events other than the games. Inside stuff on what is coming up...
stories about the coaches, so we can get to know them better
I'd like interviews with current and former players. In addition to what they're doing now, I'd love to hear about their experiences/memories/favorite things about UT.
photo galleries of great moments, players, etc.--
a mini-museum, if you will, of Texas football/basketball/baseball/volleyball/swimming, etc.

maybe a film clip gallery too, if possible- although you might want to make that a separate (linked) site. I'd love to see highlights of guys from way back, like Bohn Hilliard vs. Notre Dame 1936, Jack Crain vs. Arkansas 1939, Bobby Layne vs. anyone, etc., plus all the great stuff from the TV era; if such footage exists, we should have it viewable here.

If this stuff is already on another site somewhere, someone please steer me to it!
A decent taco somewhere in northern New England.

Seriously: I like the "Where are they now?" idea. Also the geography thing (though it might not fit history/traditions). The story of Freddie Steinmark? Lam-Ham-Jam? Recollections of famous football-related events -- like when they had to shut down the Drag after our last MNC? (Showing my age, I guess...)

Hook 'em.
Recaps of famous games of our past. It would be interesting to retell the lead-up to the game and how big it was considered at that time, maybe even old Sports page articles about the impending game and players. Articles, as well, reporting about how the game went and what happened would be cool.

I thought it was an interesting post about the 1970 UCLA game and how eyewitnesses viewed the game and how they felt about it. That was cool. I think you could even talk about games we lost that were really good games but we just didn't get there and how maybe losing a particular game led to bigger wins down the road.

Things like that are always fun to recall especially when you get alot of posters who experienced the games and the build-up in so many different ways. That is fun stuff.
th- I can't help you on the first one. You're just SOL. (I can help you on the second thing, though)

86- I won't help you on that one. You're on your own there...
Just stuff that makes us feel like we know the players better, personally.

Such as:::

-day in the life of (journals/diaries).

-play by play account of game day... what a particular player ate for breakfast, what they did to mentally prepare, were they scared of team X's defense or special teams or what, were they cocky about it, etc. etc. Then how they ended up playing, and how they reacted to a good game or bad game afterward. That would be cool.

-maybe info on why senior players decided on UT above their other options. It would be fun to hear their recruiting stories from their eyes, remembering stuff from 4 or 5 years ago.

Basically, stuff that you can't look up in the media guide, and stuff you probably won't ever read about in the newspaper.

I'd love to see an interview with each of the graduating seniors (or juniors that end up leaving early for the draft) asking them maybe 10 standard questions (e.g. [1] What was the deciding factor in your coming to UT, [2] What were the best/worst moments of your time on the 40 Acres, [3] How do you want to be remembered by friends and fans in the future, etc.) as well as any comments that they want to say to Longhorn fans in general (e.g. How can UT fans better support the team, etc.)

I would be interested in hearing first-hand from Jammer, Applewhite, and also the walk-ons (esp. the one who is deaf). And of course from Williams, our graduating LB's, etc.

texashero :" A decent taco somewhere in northern New England...."

Good luck there, some folks where we lived in MA did'nt even know what a taco was...

BTW , I like the "Where are they now" idea....
I would like to know if other teams provide us with visitors facilities as good as we provide.

I would like to see a couple of plays drawn up and explained. (when to run it, what to expect in terms of yardage, what are the options it provides if it is a pass, etc.) Maybe one play per week drawn up.

I would like to know how many hours a year do the players spend on football, scheduled and on their own.

I would like to know why they did not go to other schools.

I would like to have it explained what the quaterback is calling at the line of scrimmage. It has been 40 years since I played and I imagine it has changed alot. What is he saying when he calls the snap.

In baseball there are statistics and averages for everything. How about in football and the Horns in particular? For example, how often do we make it when we run a quarter back sneak? What is our average gain on each down. When we lose yardage, is it to the right, middle, left? Same questions for the defense. I want to know all kinds of these things.

What are the defensive signals and what do they mean?

How often do they change handsignals? Each week?

I want the stuff I would know if I worked for the team as a manager. I don't mean secrets but the general stuff.

Maybe you could post a section on aggie humiliations like the tech game and sidelines.
That way we can prove ags wrong with the greatest of ease.
T&A (get it, T&A.....oh nevermind),

I want 21" glossies of Roy Williams going over the top and stuffing Phil's boy. If you can't produce, I'd accept a short (less than 500 words) essay explaining just exactly what is a "Texas Angel." Typed, double-spaced. Thank you.

Professor Dean
Dang - you gentlemen aren't easily satisfied, eh? You'll have me doing more work than a newspaper reporter!

Keep the ideas coming- but please be gentle...
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but as a student, i'd really like to see an academic board, so other students can possibly get help with classes, start study groups, find out about professors and classes... etc... i'd even be willing to be the moderator
Would anyone be interested in an internet radio station, streaming 24-7, that played Texas music? By that, I mean stuff like Cory Morrow, Pat Green, Owen Temple, Robert Earl Keen, Cooder Graw, etc.? Stuff you could listen to while browsing the boards?

Or is that not the kind of music y'all would listen to?
Photo Gallery: Not just the same pics that you can find on texassports.com, but pictures that make you say "wow" or "Awesome!"Info for Longhorns: A section devoted to letting us know when special events are going on like spring practices, gatherings, etc. This would also serve as a way to rally fans together for an event. (Example: if you wanted to get fans at the stadium to wear something or do something special during a game or something, post it here)

I think there's somebody who already posts all the good clips after games in a post, but it'd be nice to have a place where it is archived.

Getting feedback from the players in any form or fashion is always cool. Interviews and such directed at the fans

Anything to get us through this long off season!!!