West Lynn Cafe

I assume you realize that WLC is a vegetarian (not vegan) restaurant. Some of their better items are:

-- cheese ravioli with marinara sauce
-- mushroom stroganoff
-- cheese enchiladas
-- various curry dishes
It used to be better, its not nearly as good as before. But I guess some girls like the decor. personally I prefer mother's when they have someone playing harp or classical guitar. Better ambiance, food and prices.
i went to west lynn cafe with my gf about 2 years ago. it was good but i am not a vegeterian. i went to mothers a few weeks ago and did not like it at all. preferred west lynn.

i wanted to run across the street to hyde park grill.

I dated this vegi chick who made me go there... and Mothers.. and some other place owned by lesbians off of airport.. I forget what it was called... I thought it was ok, but just ok. Tell you the truth, you are better off finding a South Indian resturant as they are vegi and taste better.
my fav veggie places in austin:
1. world beat cafe (MLK and San Antonio) - nigerial food, tasty and different. also has burgers
2. shanghai river palace - next to Alamo Drafthouse on anderson, has entire buffet line that is veggie. Not the best, but lots of it.
3. Alborz - lunch buffet, Anderson next to MoPac, veggie Perian options you'll find no where else
4. any Indian
5. any Chinese/Asian/Thai
6. The Parlor (punk dive on North Loop) - pizza available with soy cheese, beer, best jukebox in ausitn
7. Mothers sunday brunch (banana nut pancakes)
8. kerbey/magnolia/etc breakfast