I have no idea what actually went down and whether or not Beard is guilty as hell. None of us do.
From what we’ve been told so far, it’s hard to argue otherwise. And frankly, my guess is that his career at Texas is all but over. Having said that, these observations may open me up to ridicule.
My take is that the domestic violence laws in most states are structured to err to the side of the abused, usually a female. And I understand why. THEY SHOULD BE so structured. In the majority of the cases— the vast majority, they are indeed the victims. It’s terrible.
But let’s not forget about Due Process to which, supposedly, we are all entitled. If an accusation and a call is made, the dude is toast. Period. There is an assumption of guilt, not innocence.
Of course, if what she is claiming and what she shared with the police is fully accurate and “in context,” there’s not much to debate. I just hope and pray that I am never in a situation where someone becomes completely illogical, out of control, and attacks me. I don’t know what I would do, but just walking away — if someone is physically beating me, screaming uncontrollably and acting in a very threatening manner — would be very challenging. (NOT saying that is what happened. Just making the observation.)
Let’s just hope that the truth and the full story comes out, and soon. However, that is very unlikely. And I’ll say it again; From what we have read, it does appear that Beard is guilty as hell.
And finally, if I was in possession of a recording that captured the incident and could “potentially” exonerate me, there is no way on earth that I would turn it over to the police.