Wealthy French opt not to pay high taxes

Horn89, by your name you sound like you must be older than me, but your post sounds like someone fresh out of college. I am not sure which is the case, but to answer your questions:

No, Bush's tax cuts were NOT at all class warfare as they were making things slightly more fair. I honestly don't see how you can call it class warfare unless you are at least asking one class to pay a higher percentage of their income to taxes. that is true for the rich and not for the poor. As a kid, I heard for years about Reagan's "tax cuts for the rich" and felt middy put off by that mantra, thinking Reagan shouldn't have done that, until I realized that the rich were already paying a rate of 72%! Reagan dropped the highest bracket to 52% and liberals screamed and moaned for 8 years.

For the record, I am neither wealthy or the son of wealthy. I am working for a non-profit in Africa, so any attempts to put me into a privileged class won't really work. In fact, i make about 20K below the median income (or was that average?) for a family of my size. I just hate the injustice of making some people pay a much higher percentage of their income than others. Yes, I know that the stated rate and the actual rate can be different, but by any standard the rich pay far more than most of us. Heck, I am not sure I have paid much of anything the last 3 or 4 years as a father with 3 kids. I think that is ridiculous. I get so many different credits between my giving and my kids as to not pay much of anything.

Fiscal sanity under a Democrat president, Clinton, and a Republican Congress was a failed experiment. Things only got worse once the internet bubble popped. Let's use fiscal duchebaggery and move on.

Not really. There is this thing called cause and effect.
Revenues were at an all time high under W, buddy and the housing crisis, do we need to rehash the genesis and who tried to prevent it and what the left rallying cry was.......

seriously, the revisionist history is way out of control......

Facts are facts, under George W. Bush, Federal Government Revenues were at an all time high.

Facts are Facts, the Community and Reinvestment Act is the X Factor in the Housing crisis that triggered the recession,not to mention the greed of the average american who thought they could get something for nothing.
Well it's certainly not fair nor equal that the top 1% pays over 90% of the taxes while others that pay nothing can get a "tax return" even though they never paid a freaking dime to begin with.

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