'We Want Wendy' bumper sticker

HHD, while we have very little in common on individual issues, we agree on an overall issue, the candidates are aweful. I wonder what we, as a society, can do to fix this?
I don't see how somebody could possibly vote "for" one of the four main candidates. At this point im just here for the entertainment factor of watching poor Abbott have to work with Patrick to form a legislative agenda. Good luck keeping him from going suicidal for the third time. If we're lucky I won't be teaching creationism for a living in the next few years.
Larry, so I think you see the problem here. No Republican can give us solid reasons to vote for him. Same problem on the democratic side. Not a good sign for politics these days
F the primary system that gives us nut jobs that impress the less than 5% of voters that show up who are on far ends of the political spectrum. Watching the lt. gov republican primary debate was one of the biggest **** shows I have ever seen. They were tripping all over each other trying to be further right than the others. In the end a couple of the more reasonable ones were spewing radical nonsense. Then the craziest one of all won the primary in a run off vs the most corrupt one (dew).

I'm a center-right guy with low tolerance for corruption. I literally have nobody to vote for other than possibly libertarians that I disagree with on some issues.
I 100% agree that a third party is the way out of this mess but can come up with a conceivable platform that would sway voters. So many voters treat one issue as a litmus test for a particular issue and they have already found a home in a party. For example, what would the third party's stance on abortion be? The choicers and lifers already have a home and wouldn't vote for somebody that is indifferent on the issue. You are either going to be picking up the scraps or trying to split one party in half greatly benefitting the other existing party. There are enough independents and fed up people to make it work but their beliefs are all over the place. What cause unites them?
You guys ever have a work relationship or friendship with a real liberal? Just because they have a really different take on things doesn't mean they are stupid.

When I was a student in the UT journalism dept and living in the Austin area during my first jobs out of college, I used to argue politics with liberals all the time. (It was friendly, but sometimes there were hard feelings for a day or two.) They have strongly held beliefs and reasons for them. Now I mostly argue with conservatives because in my current location, career, church, volunteer work, hornfans, etc., I hardly ever run into anybody much more liberal than me.
I've got friends that are pretty far Left.
I also have friends that are pretty far Right
I've got moderate friends
I've got conservative friends
I've got "Libertarian" friends.

None of them act like R35, thank God

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