Watch Out For These Guys

its true though you do see these guys around in Austin some, and if you have not run into them, I bet one of your friends has.
I've been approached three different times by guys running the same hustle. What pisses me off is when they are persistent even when you let them know that you know the scam. I've resorted to curses and slurs to get my point across.

It is interesting that some believe this is some kind of international company funding all these examples... I would suspect copy cats
I ran into those guys about a year ago, maybe longer. At the Bank of America ATM near 183 & Oak Knoll. They definitely weren't going to be drinking any coffee since their whole pitch consisted of "hey man, wanna buy some speakers?" I said "excuse me?" because it was such a stupid thing to hear I thought I must've heard them wrong. Then they started with the "we've got extra speakers in our van" bit, I said 'no thanks' and that was it.
That's funny... I've been approached on no less than three occassions by guys trying to sell me speakers. Most recently I was cooking hamburgers on my third floor balcony, and the jackasses tried to sell them to me from the alley below as they drove past. They're pretty convincing but I agree that anyone who falls for it and is later disappointed probably deserved to get screwed.
I had some guys try to sell me cologne out of the back of a white van here in Midland at a 7-11. They had boxes of the stuff, perfume too. I figured it was stolen and just said "no thanks."
Next thing you know they will be selling in the Swap Meet forum here. I guess as long as they list a price, haha. Tools. I have yet to be approached. They must be able to tell I would not be any fun for them. It would be fun for me though. I would make them walk away, not the other way around.
I don't understand why ANYBODY would buy speakers from people from the back of a van. Seems like common sense to me. I also have had run-ins with them in the C Parking on campus next the soccer/track stadium. I just told them no about 3 or 4 times and walked away.
I've been approached by guys like this at least 4 different times, with their van full of boxes and a laminated sheet that's supposed to tell how great their speakers are. Once the guys admitted that they had stolen the speakers from their boss to make some extra money--scumbags.

I did know a guy in school who paid $300 for the "speakers" only to get back to his apartment and find out he had gotten two boxes of bricks, instead! Like y'all said, you get what you deserve if you're that stupid!
I was approached once about 8 or 9 years ago on Lamar... the guys admited they were esentially stealing the speakers and I saw that they had been drinking all day. I told them to go to hell and they left me alone.