Whelp, I'm glad I wasn't following this one last night. Early in the year, a team is going to have a twilight zone game or two and twilight zone innings or two, and it sure sounds like Texas got that last night. Unlike the blown game against Louisville earlier in the year though the Horns had enough early offense to hold on so at least there is that. It's baseball so strange innings are going to happen and strange games are going to happen. Win at least one more in Vegas and it's a successful trip. This team is more ready than I thought they would be. I have always viewed this year as a shakedown and rebuild year for Schloss to get his system and style in place and hopefully, Texas would have enough to get in the tournament and then see what happened. I still view it that way but I am perhaps a little, just a little, more optimistic. We need to stay realistic though about this team and the buzz saw it is walking into when SEC play starts.