WaPo: 'GOP a Near-lock to take Senate'

Nice diversion, but again full of lies.

Premiums? Increasing

The Link

Negative impact on small business? yes

The Link

Hospitals closing? Yes
The Link

Look, I know you believe Obama walks on water, but your comments regarding positive impact on healthcare are idiotic.
A link linking to Americans for prosperity, and two links to the same article by avid Roy -- hilarious!! Now THERE'S an honest, non partisan commentator! avik Roy, seriously?!
You linked to a 22 year Syracuse journalism graduate who wrote an article saying more people have medicaid. Yahoo! Obamacare works!

Except, they have insurance but refuse to pay premiums, deductibles and co-pays. Only a liberal could think that is success.
Harry Reid is more of an obstructionist than any other person in the US government. There are 300+ bills sitting on his desk that he refuses to come for a vote in the Senate. 50% of which have bi-partisan support.
Per R35 anyone who takes a financial hit from obozocare deserves it.

Or they're lying to make obozo the *** clown look bad.
Worked in hospital environment for 38 years and all, yes all my old hospital friends, mainly managerial staff have one common name for ACA - 'Obamanocare'. No one likes it.
And R35, you are amazing......I like to read your comments just to see how far out you can be. Your imagination is pretty creative because you have to be making this up as you go.

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