Wanna reduce unplanned pregnancies? Here's the forumla

The video I linked showed that 37 states are not doing it well (or at all, really, for 22 of them). Relying on "the home" to teach people sex ed, particularly for low-income minority families, perpetuates the cycle of unwanted pregnancies, and thus, more abortions. You can probably guess which states those 22 are, as well.

Another issue they talked about in the video was lack of information about consent, which arguably is just as damaging as not having condoms ready to go. People (and by people I mean boys) aren't taught that you don't get to have sex if someone isn't a ready, willing participant. So not only is there manipulated, unwanted sex (consensual but pressured), but the pregnancies and STDs that result from it.


I kid, we're no better.
So while you might not have a "problem" as someone who doesn't approve of that kind of sex ed, you're probably going to encounter the effects of young people who were desperately in need of those lessons.

Just to clarify - my comment was on classes that go well beyond basic instruction, education and prevention, and get into "how to make it more fun" and "what different techniques or tools you can use to enhance the experience". I'm not sure what kids desperately need that lesson.
Yes, supposedly they do not co-mingle funding, but nobody really believes it.

And it's really irrelevant since money is fungible.

People (and by people I mean boys) aren't taught that you don't get to have sex if someone isn't a ready, willing participant

Which also stems from how our culture on almost all sides of political, religious, etc spectrums presents sex and sexuality as a "guy thing", something males always want and females only ever relent to. There are some biological and physiological reasons for this as a general trend, but we've basically codified it to the point where it's an ingrained subconscious unchallengeable assumption for a lot of kids by the time they first start learning about what sex and sexuality are.

See, a Holocaust is really, really horrible and we should do everything possible to prevent that from happening, even if it means spending money. Of course "we" means other people.

That's not really a fair critique. "Something horrible is happening" and "A lack of X is part of what leads to this horrible thing" does not necessarily imply "We should use government to take some money from everyone and pay for X". For example, drunk driving is a pretty big problem in this country, but does that mean we should have public funding provide nationwide free taxi services to any drunk/tipsy individuals?
For those with Reading Comprehension I just shake my head......

Abortion will be remembered as the Holocaust is remembered.

I have a problem paying for peoples contraception......

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