VY--I hope I'm wrong


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I'm gonna get dumped on for this prediction, but I think VY is going to call it quits (retire) soon, i.e., sometime before the start of next season.
I've watched every game he's played in the pros (because I am a huge fan), and it is pretty clear to me that he has been unhappy this year and last.
In his rookie year, he was always cheerleading for the defense when he was on the sidelines, and he was obviously enjoying himself when he was in the game. He would celebrate touchdowns with his teammates and with the fans.
However, last year and this year, he's often been morose. I'm not going to get into the debate whether it's his bad attitude or his horrible receiving corp or his quad/hammy/and now knee injuries, or other reason(s) because I just don't know enough about football to know. However, he just doesn't look like he wants to be doing this anymore. As I said, I hope I am dead wrong because I want the old VY back. Okay, you may pile on now.
Actually I never looked at that angle but you may be on to something. The passion for the game seems to have left. Though it still seems very out of character.
reportedly, he considered it last year, so i guess you can't say you're way off base here.
I agree to some extent. His arm has gotten weaker and he doesn't run anymore. Plus he seems frustrated that LB's can catch him. I think VY will have to do something radical to re-invent himself. He needs to man up and start playing Vince's style.
He would get hurt less if he just ran more. They didn't draft him for his arm but for his legs and intangibles.
I tend to agree. He's gotten older, heavier, and incured a couple minor injuries... Vince without wheels isnt Vince. I kind of think he's done, on his terms or the Titan's. I too hope Im wrong.
No, he isn't happy.

That much is painfully clear. Has been for some time.

I've defended VY ad nauseum on here. Just check my other posts, even from as recent as yesterday.

However...I think most of you know that I'm about as big a fan of VY as there is, but unknown, non-football problems notwithstanding, it seems to me that VY has yet to get over the fact that he's not in Austin or Houston anymore, and that he's gonna have to prove himself to these people all over again, from the ground up. Yes, that's just a gut feeling...pure speculation.

He hasn't done that yet. It also appears to me that he hasn't put in the solid effort it takes to build the dependable, automatic physical fundamentals of footwork and mechanics required to make his accuracy better...the kind that come from thousands upon thousands of extra drills. He needs to, and he needs to spend so much time in the film room, or whatever they do these days, that everything is second nature and nothing is ever a surprise to him on the field, and he can put the Wonderlic crap out of people's minds forever. When the fans boo...it sucks, but fans boo NFL qbs, so **** 'em. He needs to just keep his head down and play his game and one day the boos will turn to cheers. They booed him at Texas, too. That worked out ok. In short, he needs to be doing everything better, working harder and longer and smarter, and bitching and pouting less than anyone on the team.

I think this time off MAY give Vince a chance to reflect on some of this and turn around his mindset. I sure hope it does. If it doesn't, I think we all know where he's headed in terms of his football career. God forbid.
It's not exactly the same situation, but I remember Terry Bradshaw struggling tremendously as a rookie, being benched for Joe Gilliam, hearing fans cheering when he was hurt.

He's not the first young QB to hit a trough and question himself, and he won't be the last.
Vince sure needs some success to refuel him. I don't think he's done by any means. He needs to show a little more desperation for winning, if that's the right word. Until his knee is better, we won't get any more information.
Retirement? No.

Trade? I sure hope so.

Someone earlier posted that they arent forming the offense around VY, they are doing it around Fisherball. And you are EXACTLY right.

Texas changed their entire playbook to accomodate VY. Thats why we were so effective. However, If you do that in the NFL.. Its 1 snap away from having no playbook. Once VY goes down, you have Kerry Collins trying to run a spread attack.. Which will not work.

I hope for Texas fans, VY fans, and Tennesee fans that they trade him or get him some real help. Vince had a good game yesterday, and it couldve been alot better if his recievers would catch a ball when it hits them in the hands.

(i.e a 55 yard pass to a wide open Justin McCarins that hits him in the hands)
If they wanted to play fisherball they should have drafted Cutler. They got themselves into this situation so they need to try to work with his abilities. Worthless coaching is leading to worthless play.
I agree w/ the OP. The "Vince Vibe" has been non existent since last year.

He's not having fun, he doesn't look to be a very good teammate, much less a leader. I do not recognize this VY and it makes me sad.

I don't know if it's Fisher, the system, personal problems or what but it is crystal clear he's been stinking things up for a while.
When you look at the guys that have struggled and seemed generally unhappy in the NFL, it really makes you wonder just how much they take care of the star players here at Texas. Benson, Ricky, Vince - those guys should all be on top of the world in the NFL, but they act like they're having to punch in and mop floors all day long.

Vince isn't the best athlete on the field anymore, and I imagine it's a struggle for him to figure out how to deal with it. I hope he figures it out.
Here's an AOL blog? entry I found while looking for info on Vince's injury. This entry was the first I'd heard of the alleged HORRIBLE sideline conduct and pouting from VY. I'm a big VY fan and supporter, but if he's giving off the body language and horrible lack of leadership alleged in this story, I think the end is indeed near.
IF the story's true... Pull out of it, Vince! Leaders don't act that way.
Teams have Sports Psychologists to deal with this and it is not uncommon for the players. I can see where skill positions would be more common. I am sure they are on top of this and will work through it the way they have countless times in the past.

Or they don't.
Based on that story, it sounds like VY felt a problem with his hamstring after the INT. but he didn't bother telling anyone until Tenn got the ball back after Jax went 3 and out. The entire offense was on the field except VY. And at that point, Fisher has to either burn a Timeout or send VY in. VY then goes down with an injury.

Major communication problems on that team. Nothing should ever be unsolvable but both sides have to be willing to work on it.
i'll be pissed too if my coaching staff won't get me the help i need and my recievers drops over 50% of the balls thrown to them...

i hope vince heals up and get traded to a team that know how to utilize him correctly
I think for this particular instance, the hamstring injury (if there is one) was being exaggerated by him so he wouldn't have to go in.

He didn't even tell the team's medical staff there was a problem when he came off the field or the whole time he was on the sidelines...
I think he was pretty sure the texans would draft him. When they didn't, he played with a chip on his shoulder and with attitude. Seems like it wore off. That passion drives him. Bet he would have stayed for his senior year if he knew Houston was going to pass.
I actually had a discussion with some co-workers today on this exact topic. I would not be surprised to hang it up in a couple of years if things continue as they are.

I also think the main reason he left early was because of Houston having the first pick. He said as much in several interviews that them having the first pick was a big factor in his decision. Sadly the Titan's have created an atmosphere that hinders his development.
I don't think it's far fetched at all. This might be a stretch but go back to that picture of VY partying over the summer. I don't think it's a big deal at all, he's an adult BUT does anyone remeber any pics of him in that kind of environment doing those kind of things when he was at UT? He might be living it up a little too much dealing with all the pressures that go with being an NFL QB with all kinds of money at a young age. I'm pulling for VY whether he plays another down or not.
Y'all treated my original post much more gently than I anticipated you would, so I think I'll push my luck a bit further. NFL.com is reporting that Young's MRI did not take place on Monday, but had to be re-scheduled for Tuesday. I wonder if the reason for the delay is that VY didn't show up for the test: "Coach Jeff Fisher said at his Monday afternoon news conference that they did not have the test results on Young's knee. The team said approximately four hours later that an MRI had to be rescheduled for Tuesday." Link
If the NFL perception that UT players are soft is ever going to change, VY has to get whatever help he needs to get personally or medically, make the changes in his game that he needs to, and start playing like the football god that he is. If anyone has the ability and intangibles to change that stereotype, it's still him.
Team psychologists? That didn't help Ricky much, I'm not sure it'd help VY.

If Vince is being that mopey, it's hard to imagine that he's still the same player he was at Texas.
When Vince did an interview during his rookie year, he said something to the effect "nobody tells me what to do." As much as I love him for what he did for UT, that threw up a red flag to me.

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