VP Pick


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Well as the great sportswriter Dan Cook once said, "it ain't over until the fat lady sings", but it seems as on right now Trump is on the way to victory.
As an aside, I watched some of his speech in the Bronx, and it struck me that there was a true melting pot of face in attendance.
Black, White Asian, Mexican, they were all there cheering for Trump as one. I have to say, as cheesy as it sounds, it put a tear in my eye. And then, after the speech was over they stayed into the night, dancing and having a blast.
It was the first time in a long while that I had a shred of hope that one day, our country could crawl out of their holes and become united again, or at least not so incredibly divided.
I found it beautiful, no matter who the speaker had been.

So, who do you think Trump should pick as his VP? I'm leaning towards Nikki Haley since she was pulling in some impressive numbers in the race so far, better than any other. Some of those potential voters would follow her over and vote for Trump.
She is also a woman, an oh so important POC, very experienced in various areas of politics, and has a female voice that doesn't sound screechy when she is making a point.

I'm not massively familiar with her political platform, but if she stood for early term abortion I would have to accept it. That is an enormous issue with women, they cling to it like their God and their guns. I am opposed to abortion, except in very extreme circumstance. The Republicans need some flexibility with this issue, in my humble opinion.
My only other choice would be DeSantis, but he might be a liability on the ticket. Maybe Marco Rubio?

So, on this Memorial Day, after my usual ritual of watching Band of Brothers, it got me wondering who might be the best pair to run the country and hopefully restore it's soul.
Trump isn’t going to pick Haley because the swamp creatures in DC will want Trump gone by any means necessary so he can be replaced by Haley. I think it will be Tim Scott because no Dem will want to see a black republican as president.
Well as the great sportswriter Dan Cook once said, "it ain't over until the fat lady sings", but it seems as on right now Trump is on the way to victory.

Well, we're 5 months from the election. The fat lady is just starting to warm up. A lot can happen between now and election day. Will he get convicted in NY and have the convicted felon label? (The media will repeat that label every time they mention his name. He won't be "Donald Trump." He will be "Convicted Felon, Donald Trump." Will the Dems dump Biden? Will the economy get better, especially in terms of living costs? Any one of those things could massively change the race.

It was the first time in a long while that I had a shred of hope that one day, our country could crawl out of their holes and become united again, or at least not so incredibly divided.

I actually don't think America was divided heavily along racial lines. It was more divided along political and religious lines. It has mostly been aloof, secular white liberals in cities and wealthy suburbs looking down on everybody else.

So, who do you think Trump should pick as his VP? I'm leaning towards Nikki Haley since she was pulling in some impressive numbers in the race so far, better than any other.

I don't think he'll pick Haley, but she'd be a strong pick. She makes him look more normal and respectable.

I'm not massively familiar with her political platform, but if she stood for early term abortion I would have to accept it. That is an enormous issue with women, they cling to it like their God and their guns. I am opposed to abortion, except in very extreme circumstance. The Republicans need some flexibility with this issue, in my humble opinion.
My only other choice would be DeSantis, but he might be a liability on the ticket. Maybe Marco Rubio?

I think Trump adopting the states' rights position (meaning no federal laws) on abortion is the right place to be. It's constitutionally sound, and it respects the rights of those who disagree by keeping the issue closer to the people rather than dictating from Washington. Seriously hardcore abortion rights supporters are never voting for a GOP nominee, but more moderate abortion supporters might if the nominee isn't pushing for a national ban.

So, on this Memorial Day, after my usual ritual of watching Band of Brothers,

Coincidentally, I'm watching Band of Brothers too (one episode per night). We're going to Normandy next week for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, so it seemed appropriate.
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I'm so jealous of your trip to Normandy. I've always wanted to go.
I also think BoB should be required viewing in every high school in America. I doubt many of our kids have a clue about what that generation went through, many the same age, to preserve our freedoms.

I think there is a chance Trump picks Nikki. I think choosing Tim Scott or Doug from N. Dakota would be a disastrous pick.

Kamala called Biden a racist, and he left her, a little brown girl, to be bussed to school, and many other bad things in the run up to the election and the debates.
I hope Trump is savvy enough to put his enormous ego aside and choose a person that could follow him from VP to President.

Just one other way our politicians show their true colors. Bash them for months, and then they are besties!

And, as you said, lots could happen between now and the election. My biggest fear is Gavin Newsome or Hillary slithering in at the last minute.

I hope your trip is as meaningful as I think it will be. My brother did a whole BoB tour, following their path throughout the war.
I haven't spent much thought on who Trump will select as VP. The above ideas make sense but seems like you might want someone from a swing state.

How is Normandy these days? I feel like I read that it's getting filled with migrants.
After the LP debacle I intend to vote for Trump. If he picks Nikki Haley I will seriously reconsider that. She is the absolute worst option for him. She doesn't align with him on his policy thrust and is deeply tied to the swamp. He should pick someone like J.D. Vance.
80% + chance it is Haley or Scott. Either will be a plus for Trump. At some point the "leaners" will finally figure out that a vote for Biden is actually a vote for Harris which should scare every non-far-left Democratic voter.
I disageee with all of the above. The vote in November is going to look like May (folks’ default positions before the hurly burly).

If you had the unfortunate circumstance of going into a coma for 5 months, this is the time to have it. The next 5 months is going to be for show and not impact the race.
How is Normandy these days? I feel like I read that it's getting filled with migrants.

Normandy is fine, but Calais is being totally overrun and trashed by migrants. The reason why is that it's where the train and the ferry cross the English Channel, so it's where they go to sneak into the UK. And it's bad. While waiting to cross, I once had about 5 thuggish looking dudes nosing around my car and got approached by a clearly underaged hooker. It's a bad situation.
Unless something changes in the dynamic below, this race is over.

There’s still a path to win this, but they don’t look like a campaign that’s embarking on that path right now,” said Pete Giangreco, a longtime Democratic strategist who’s worked on multiple presidential campaigns. “If the frame of this race is, ‘What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,’ we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.” -Politico
Whatever the Biden campaign has been doing over the past two months — and it’s a lot of activity, including $25 million in swing-state ad spending, according to AdImpact — it has had only a limited effect. According to FiveThirtyEight, Biden’s average job-approval rating on March 7, the date of his State of the Union Address, was 38.1 percent. As of Friday, it’s 38.4 percent. -Politico
Okay this site is primarily a football board, so let me put it this way. Texas is 10-0 playing a team at home that is 4-6, about to fire their coach, etc. The opposing team is not bad, just inconsistent and incompetent. What are the odds that the 4-6 team wins? 20:1? Yes, it can happen but no one really believes it. This is the analogy to Biden-Trump. The next 5 months is equivalent to the 5 days before the game on Saturday. Anyone think the 4-6 team can change in 5 days to beat Texas? It doesn’t happen - too far into the season to make a change that will make a difference.
Okay this site is primarily a football board, so let me put it this way. Texas is 10-0 playing a team at home that is 4-6, about to fire their coach, etc. The opposing team is not bad, just inconsistent and incompetent. What are the odds that the 4-6 team wins? 20:1? Yes, it can happen but no one really believes it. This is the analogy to Biden-Trump. The next 5 months is equivalent to the 5 days before the game on Saturday. Anyone think the 4-6 team can change in 5 days to beat Texas? It doesn’t happen - too far into the season to make a change that will make a difference.
The dims might just pull a JFK on biden though since his numbers are so poor. It wouldn't take much, maybe just a few sleeping pills, since he's almost dead already.
I'm so jealous of your trip to Normandy. I've always wanted to go.

I'm dreading the crowds. It's going to be crazy, but I'm looking forward to the experience. We considered going in 2014 to the 70th, but we had a 3 month old who wouldn't have tolerated it well. He's 10 now, and he's studying up on it. We also watched The Longest Day, which he enjoyed. So he's very amped up. I'm also planning to work in a visit to Mont-St.-Michel, which I've always wanted to see.

This may sound crazy, but if you've always wanted to go and you can (in terms of time, money, etc.), then you should buy a ticket and go. It's not too late. Obviously they aren't going to stop commemorating D-Day, but realistically this is the last one that will have veterans at it. The youngest ones are pushing 100 years old. It'll never be even close to the same after they're gone. I will post pics, but there's nothing like being there and shaking the hand of a 100-year old decorated war hero and thanking him for what he did.

I also think BoB should be required viewing in every high school in America. I doubt many of our kids have a clue about what that generation went through, many the same age, to preserve our freedoms.

Absolutely, but you have to value what you have to appreciate what the WWII generation did. Sadly, we're teaching kids to despise America and what it stands for. They're going to be indifferent to that generation.

I think there is a chance Trump picks Nikki. I think choosing Tim Scott or Doug from N. Dakota would be a disastrous pick.

I'm not sure they'd be disastrous, but they'd be less than ideal. Scott has a good story, but I'm not sure he does much to normalize Trump. Burgum is a nice guy, but he's pretty bland. Neither are from swing states. Haley isn't from a swing state either, but she has broad appeal to demographics beyond the GOP base.

Kamala called Biden a racist, and he left her, a little brown girl, to be bussed to school, and many other bad things in the run up to the election and the debates.
I hope Trump is savvy enough to put his enormous ego aside and choose a person that could follow him from VP to President.

Just one other way our politicians show their true colors. Bash them for months, and then they are besties!

Yep. A lot of that happens. To be fair, our side does it too. George Bush was a big critic of Reaganomics in 1980, but after he became Reagan's nominee that criticism was swept under the rug.

And, as you said, lots could happen between now and the election. My biggest fear is Gavin Newsome or Hillary slithering in at the last minute.

I think Trump would beat Hillary in a rematch. I don't think he'd beat Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer.
Normandy is fine, but Calais is being totally overrun and trashed by migrants. The reason why is that it's where the train and the ferry cross the English Channel, so it's where they go to sneak into the UK. And it's bad.

That's good except for Calais and England. Are the French trying to push the migrants out? Why aren't the migrants wanting to stay in France?

I'm dreading the crowds. It's going to be crazy, but I'm looking forward to the experience. We considered going in 2014 to the 70th, but we had a 3 month old who wouldn't have tolerated it well.

This may sound crazy, but if you've always wanted to go and you can (in terms of time, money, etc.), then you should buy a ticket and go. It's not too late. Obviously they aren't going to stop commemorating D-Day, but realistically this is the last one that will have veterans at it. The youngest ones are pushing 100 years old.

Yea, I imagine anniversaries divisible by 10 would be extra busy. I'd shoot for a 63rd or 72nd type anniversary in hopes that crowds would be smaller. I've meet veterans at Pearl Harbor twice - once in the 90s and once in the 00s. Amazing. D-Day vets would be incredible too.
That's good except for Calais and England. Are the French trying to push the migrants out? Why aren't the migrants wanting to stay in France?

France is furious about migrants. Most political polling shows that if they held an election Marine Le Pen would win. She was considered a political extremist with no future not long ago - got clobbered in '22. Even Macron is shifting a bit on the issue. Their tolerance is running out very fast.

As for why they prefer the UK over France, I think there are greater job opportunities, and fewer Brits are as openly hostile to them. I think a lot of them speak better English than French, except those from Algeria.
France is furious about migrants. Most political polling shows that if they held an election Marine Le Pen would win. She was considered a political extremist with no future not long ago - got clobbered in '22. Even Macron is shifting a bit on the issue. Their tolerance is running out very fast.

As for why they prefer the UK over France, I think there are greater job opportunities, and fewer Brits are as openly hostile to them. I think a lot of them speak better English than French, except those from Algeria.
Getting to England has long been a goal of a lot of the Middle Easterners and North Africans.
Getting to England has long been a goal of a lot of the Middle Easterners and North Africans.

Well, it has long been a goal of formerly colonised nations to go to the homeland of their former colonisers. The colonisers feel guilty and are therefore quick to open their borders. The colonised are quick to exploit the opportunity. And I get it. Would you rather live in London or some dump in Pakistan (or more recently, Afghanistan)? Would you rather live in Milan or some **** hole in Libya? Paris or Algeria? Pretty clear choice.
I'm whipped and tired, but I arrived in Cabourg, France tonight. I'm massively excited. There's so much to see, and the ceremonies and parades will be great. Coming in on the highway, we saw old US Army vehicles being pulled on trailers from all over Europe. Very exciting.
Thankfully, I don't get to watch much tv, lately anyway. Are they trying to send Trump to prison before the elections? What the heck is going on?

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