After thinking about it a bit, I will grudgingly give the devil's advocates their due. However, in defense of the original point, I will say that I honestly don't know what Vince's plans are once he leaves the NFL. There are some professions -- education/coaching being one example -- where by and large, having a college degree is a requirement for either getting hired in the first place, or advancing in the profession. (And yes, I am aware there are exceptions around like "Super" Bill Bradley.) Anyhow, why limit yourself? Many people may not use their degrees much, but just the same, the learning skills gained while studying for a degree will help you make it in life, no matter what you do.
I believe Vince made a promise to his mama to come back and finish his degree when he left for the NFL. I really think it speaks very well of his character that he is making good on that promise. Our kids need more role models like Vince, who demonstrate that education is important. Most of us will never have a career in pro sports. For a guy like Vince who had so many obstacles in his background, to rise above all that and be successful not only on the gridiron, but also in the classroom -- it could be just the inspiration that some kid out there might need to go make a better life for himself.
And if nothing else, that is why Vince getting a degree is important. It ain't all about just Vince.