Veterans vs Immigrants: treatment difference?

Immigrants in general do become assimilated into our culture at least as early as the 2nd generation if not the 1st. This will not happen if we (the US) describe the situation as us against them. Then any ethnic immigrant group will put up barriers to try to retain their "culture" and try to thwart becoming "American" even as they live in this country. I say let's set a reasonable, beneficial set of immigration laws, enforce them, and welcome immigrant families into our great country. I think the rest will take care of itself. I think some people underestimate the power of American culture.
The crazy thing is that the very reasons I would say most of the immigrants come to this country for involve opportunities. If they support the democrat party, then they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Vote for the party of perpetual welfare, inefficient government and codependency. I'm not sure republican ideas with the current entrenched GOP leadership is very appealing either. I would think a hard working ambitious immigrant would want the economic ideals the tea party supports.

Of course, the MSM and the liberals (with no journalistic integrity what so ever) will continue to paint the tea party structure as racist and the public is too ignorant to think for themselves and therefor, the tea party is "racist".

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