Very neat story.

I saw this on Fox news earlier tonight.A very good story indeed.I wonder how the Umpire feels about telling her she had to run the bases or it wouldn't count.I mean rules are rules but come on!!but good that he didn't because it gave a chance to show sportsmanship and good human spirit in General...maybe we could learn something and apply this in probably not.
Thanks for sharing
Two things. First of all I hope the ump is happy with how he handled the situation because he did the right thing. A rule is a rule. There is no room for interpretation. What happened is exactly what should have happened.

The other thing is that if this happened in a men's league with a conference championship on the line, the other team would almost certainly not have offered to carry the opponent. And then the guy with the blown out knee would have crawled around the bases on two hands and one knee if necessary.

At which point perhaps the other team would have started to help.

This is not to say that the young lady in this story wouldn't have been tough-minded enough to do the same. Just that it's much less likely to occur to guys to carry an opponent, IMO.
I could see Texas applying this in October. I'm sure a couple of our defensive players will glady carry Bradford back to the OU bench after knocking him out for the season!

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