Very good news......


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For all those of you who are fans of the Irby-like TE and dont want to see Greg Smith, Peter Ullman, or Ahmard Howard.........I give you Ian Harris. Mack says he may play this week more than expected. I know I sure want to see him out there as he can strecth the field like Irby and Finley and has great catch skills and speed.
The Link
Sure hope so. I kind of remember him being a 'tweener when he was recruited, so hopefully he has the strength and blocking ability to pick up the TE spot naturally. Also kind of injury prone from HS.
"On getting Ryan Bailey opportunities to kick: We are, but what we want to do is win, and as long as Hunter is kicking well, [we'll stay with him]. We've put Ryan in the end of two of the three games where there was a kicking situation. We're proud of Ryan, he's already earned his scholarship here, but we also want to be fair. When you say competition is out there every day, you can't say that and not do it. Each day, everybody has to compete to win their spot."

I like to hear Mack say this and hope it is the way it is going to be from here forward, but is this a change in his actions? I want to feel like he has always had this as his MO, but I am not sure if his actions have always shown that to be true - Is this maybe him actually doing that?
Stretch the field? I just want him to stretch that leg out. I am still having horrific flashbacks of Irby's injury. It sucks being empathetic -- that hurt like hell to watch. I couldn't imagine how he looked so calm on the cart.

I hope they give Irby a bionic leg, so he can kick Jammer from the babymaker to his chin the next time he sees him. Bush league, possum secondary tackle.
I want to see Greg Smith, Peter Ullman, and Ahmard Howard. They work hard and the coaches have confidence in them.

I want to see Harris too.
Two things-
1. Injury Prone equals bad luck. To say Irby is injury Prone based upon the hit he took makes me wonder if when a dentist is stopped at a red light and a Mack truck slams into this dentist suddenly injury prone? I hate the injury prone tag. Never seen a punter or kicker labled injury prone in high school even.
2. Irby does stratch the field as a TE. Did David Thomas stretch the field? Irby is the same type of player.Does the defense have to account for him on a 3rd and 6? Yes. Do they have to account for a lumbering blocking TE
He was saying Harris is injury prone. And yes there is such a thing. Some guys have a knack for keeping their bodies in position to avoid injuries and some do not. It is about having that sense about your abilities and your body. I should know, in high school my sorry *** was injured at some point almost every year. Other guys my size took harder shots and harder cuts and stayed healthy, I just don't have the awareness they do.

Back to Harris though, I wonder about him. Sub 4.8 is not bad for a TE, and that was high school. My problem is that he has been sitting out 4-5 weeks!!!! In that amount of time you could go from Popeye to Olive. They mentioned keeping his legs in shape (I assume on the bike) which aint nothin like a game. But the other concern is upper body strength. He hasn't practiced chip blocking a DE in 5 weeks!!! Damn!! Not to mention timing with Colt or confidence to catch a third and 8 with a low pass and the game on the line.

I don't know Harris' abilities but I hope we have some other solutions before we hang our hat on him.
David Thomas took that same hit many, many, many times but always got back up.

Its just back luck that he got hurt. Nothing dirty about the hit. He was just unlucky on that play.
p town....I agree with you completely. However, I think we need Harris. Maybe not this week or next but in three weeks. Harris, to me, is better than Smith et al. Why? B/c I dont like the glorified T playing TE. I want someone who the defense has to respect and put a LB on and stick with him. Maybe just Harris being out there in of itslef will take some heat off. Putting Smith out there would not help in this case although he may be better for blocking.

I think Harris will get his legs back in due time and if you read the article, Mack says he has stayed in great shape and has been working out a lot even though he's been off the field. We have to remember, these guys are young football players and they want to be out there as much as possible so I dont think a little exhaustion will keep him down for very long.
I've met Ian and know his father Gilbert. Great family. Ian was a great player here in SA at Churchill HS, and has always wanted to be a 'Horn. I know he's dying to play.
Hopefully Colt will trust him as a blocker too, I like Colt better when he scrambles because he wants to, not because he is scared.